😱I think I love him😱

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So now about after Thanksgiving, I have broken up with "K", and I have been single for about 2 or maybe 3 at the most weeks now I'm just sitting and waiting till "A" gets the hint, and then it hits me if he is going to ask me out its gotta be like a couple of week after me and "K" broke up because if not its going to look like I broke up with "K" to date "A" which was not true at all. So a couple of weeks pass and "A" finally asked me out and I said yes, and this is until  "K" finds out and tells his parents and his parents start hating "A"  tell him that they don't trust him anymore and he was not there "child" anymore. (child meaning close like not in an actual child way), anyways so"A" is talking to me just like normal and then he just says out of nowhere "me and you dating cause problem between me and"K" and his parents...hope u like choosing me as a back up" and I'm just like wait...what, We keep carring  a conversation and all and he keeps saying stuff like that and now im to the point were im getting tired of it so now im just saying to him if u care for "K" more then me then brake up wirh me and then he just says well its your choice, all I said was that was no because your the one who brote this up so its really your choice and he just keeps make up reasons why its my choice and then all of a sudden he send me a big paragraph on why he is braking up with me and why we can try this again another time and many other reasons for why he can't date me right now, the bad part is that I was at a friends house when this happend and she has never had a long relationship befor so she really did not know what to say, or how to confort me so I stayed alittle longer at her house and left. That night I cut my arms I felt like I wanted to die, I wanted to end it all. All I wanted was HIM. "A" was on my mind 24/7 and I didn't know why tho it was sooo confusing...So I  went up to DD and his little sister Martha and my "twin" (not really my twin but we act alike so every one of our friends call us twins) but anyways her name is Robin, So I went up to Robin, DD, and Martha and I talked to them about it and they just started laughing well DD laughed but Robin and Martha just said "awwww", and because of them saying that I blushed and that when I found out I didn't like him I loved him..💙

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