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"For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn"

-Earnest Hemingway , The author of the first six word story.

Six word stories.

Could you ever imagine at great lengths what could be told in just six simple words?

used to create the illusion of a deeper meaning, These works are truly a form of art.

What makes them so amazing? Usually, these quick stories have altered meanings,

For example,

In the story above,

One may interpret that it's just shoes for sale.

Another night ponder why the shoes were being sold.

Did the baby die?

Did something happen to the baby?

Did the child outgrow the shoes?

The world may never know,
It all depends on interpretation.
Which, Just so happens, that these stories depend heavily on.

Lucky for you,

With each six-word story I write,

I'll say a couple words to explain my interpretation of it...

(AKA, Well... the real reason behind it, but like I said, Interpretation varies)

Speaking of which,

All six word stories are written by me, unless otherwise stated.

Do not copy me and claim these works as your own, Or I will backhand you into the sun.

Sound good?


That pretty much covers everything....


Let's get the ball rolling, Shall we?

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