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Disclaimer: This is all the couples on different dates.


Tessa + Zeus

"After you m'lady." Zeus said opening the door to a nice restaurant, quickly regretting it.

"M'lady? Hahaha Zeus what is this the Cinderella ball?" Tessa laughed

Zeus felt heat rise to his cheeks "Uh, no. I'm just trying to make this night worth remembering."

"That's sweet but let's be ourselves."

"Ok." He said ripping his tie off in disgust

"Haha see like that. You want to ditch this place and go get ice-cream in the park?"

"Sounds great."

When they got there Zeus paid for the ice-cream and they sat looking at the stars. "Look! It's the Little Dipper." Said Tessa excitedly

"Yeah." Zeus said looking at it but then turning to Tessa

"Isn't beautiful?" She asked

"Yes it is." He said still looking at her.

She looked over at him and leaned in.

When their lips touched they smiled. Once they parted Zeus said "Happy Valentines Day."

Then he handed her a necklace with a heart on it.

Jack + Abi

Jack want to do something super special for Valentines but he wasn't sure what to do.

"Hey Jack!" McKenna said forcing him out of thought

"Oh, hey. McKenna what does Abi love doing something we could do for Valentines?" Jack asked hoping she would know.

"Well, she loves animals. So you should take her to the Zoo."

"Great! Thanks McKenna!" He said excitedly

Jogging up to Abi, Jack asked "Hey Abi, would you like to go to the Zoo today."

She immediately lit up."Sure Jack!"

---------When they got there-------------

They looked at the Zoo map. "Ahh! There's baby lion cubs in the nursery area!" Abi exclaimed.

"Ok, let's go there!"

They got there and there were 3 cubs, 2 small tigers and a baby bear.

After Abi stared at each baby animal for 20 minutes she saw a cute Golden Retriever puppy in a play pen with a tag 'For: Abi.'

"For you." Jack said form behind her.

"Where'd this little guy come from." She asked picking him up.

"I came here early and asked them to put him in there." Jack said

"I love you." She said

Michael Vey One Shots ⚡️Where stories live. Discover now