Viktor and yurio (your my son comic)

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Viktor- Yurio could you sign these papers showing that you promise to keep skating

Yurio- hu?

(He looks at the papers)

Yurio- these are adoption papers

Viktor- what really no way (nervous laughter)

Yurio- there is no way in this world I will be your son

Viktor- oh come on Yurio

Yurio- no! Especially not since you live with that pig!

Viktor- do not talk about him that was Yurio that's disrespectful

Yurio- I don't care your not my dad nor is that pig!

Viktor- oh come on Yurio don't be such a grumpy cat

Yurio- did you just....?

Viktor- I don't know did i?

Yurio- just go away from me!

Viktor- you'll have to sign the papers some time

Yurio- never!


Chris- so Yurio is your son now

Viktor- yep I'm taking the little kitten in

JJ- he could sure use a dad

Yurio- you guys know I'm right here right!? And shut your face JJ

Viktor- don't scream at people like that son

Yurio- I'm not your son!

Yuri- welcome to the family Yurio

(Yuri hugs Yurio)

Yurio- get off me you stupid pig! I'm getting out of here!

(He runs off)

Viktor- you can't run from your family Yurio

Yurio- shut up!

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