chapter 3

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hay bugs what is up kb hope you like the chapter by see you 



so we walk in it the gym it is huge i look tords a corner and i walk tords it. Maddie and Molly flow er me i am waring a purplle deadlox t-shirt maddie is waring blue benga bocka t-shirt and a gray wattpad  huddy and  Molly was waring a pauerd by red stone t-shrit blue jens and glasses .they were doing a little raffle to see who got to be d.j. and some how i got to be dj so i put on my favrot album monstercat(they r  rell look them up on you tube)

---30 min later--

im talking to maddie and molly and  "no one" is to playing and the i feal a tap on my shouler i tern arond and see 16 -17 teen year old boy with long brown wight t -shirt and black patns he looks like deadlox

(e= eleanor d=deadlox



you eleanor-d

yes, are you deadlox-e

in the flesh-d

wow -e


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thats the end of the chapter bye seey my bugs

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