Everyone has those hoods and that's exactly how my city was. I don't live in Compton or New Orleans; I live in a small area with no name. It's only classified by the North and South; I happen to live in the North. As of today, me and the crew should be going to the meeting house. The house is big and a beautiful royal blue; it has many rooms and can fit our whole North side in."Bro who buying food cause a bihh hungry," Danny said.
"Go ask Chance, I bet he'll go get you some good food," Noelle said to a now blushing Danny. Danny and Chance have been together for two years now and he just so happens to be Chace's twin brother.
"That's alright, Ima tell Chace to bring some since you acting that way," Iman replied smirking. Everyone knew Noelle had a huge crush on Chace but she swears they're only best friends.
"Okay I will tell Chace to bring ME food." These girls were hilarious to me, always arguing over stupid stuff. I just went ahead and drove to the nearest Chick-fil-a cuase that place is bae. We ordered and speedily rushed to the house cause we were 15 minutes late already.
At the house
"Everyone knows that there has been a hit out on us, so we need to work super fast or the South are gonna get to the girls," Ghost told us. Ghost was the man in charge in the North. No one crossed him because he stood 6'5" with rich sun like skin; we don't know anything about him or his rank in the city or how he became the leader but we didn't ask questions either.
"Um, why is there a hit on us Mr. Ghost," a shy Danny said. She was our little snow bunny that had the cannon temper. Cross her and you die painfully and very very slow. That's why I fw the girl.
"I don't know Danny, maybe they finally know about what I did or what." Everyone was now quiet when he said that. What did he do so wrong? Was Ghost once in the South? Ghost never told us about his moves and he always said to trust him.
"EVERYBODY ON THE GROUND NOW," someone pulled me out of my thoughts.
Did we trust the wrong person, or am I just dreaming?

The "S" on My Shoulder
ActionAfter a city splits into two parts, will Sade be able to survive. She only has five close friends and a few family members she knows. "I had this weird run in with these people and now there is a huge S on me," Iman told me. "That's weird I have on...