Club Night pt 1

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You were going to a party at a club with a bunch of friends, and you were able to get a VIP spot because you had a friend who was a bouncer.

As you were getting up to go get more drinks you saw man walk into the club. He looked oddly familiar but you didn't know from where. He had tattoos, that you could see for sure, and he was very sexy. You noticed his group and they all had this cool aura about them, but something screamed danger as well.  You shrugged it off and went about your way.

A few hours later and you were drunk off your ass, and you and your friends were getting ready to leave the club. You kept looking over at the man, you just couldn't take yours eyes off him. As if sensing someone staring he looked in your direction, and you quickly averted your eyes hoping he didn't notice. Your bouncer friend lead you outside, and the rest of your friends followed. You made sure your friends got in cabs safely, before realizing you had no ride.

"I'll call a cab for you, okay babe?" your bouncer friend said. "Just wait out here for second, I'll be back." and he left. You stood out there a little cold from the breeze going through your thin dress, your curly hair blowing in your face. "I really wanna go home." you thought, as you noticed a man watching you from the corner of your eye.

You waited a few more minutes and your friend still hasn't come out

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You waited a few more minutes and your friend still hasn't come out. The man you saw standing outside with you started to approach you and you tried to discreetly act as if you hadn't seen him. "What's a pretty little lady like you doing out here alone?" the man said as he was now standing next to you. You jumped a little but then put on a fake friendly smile. "I'm waiting for my friend." you said simply hoping he wouldn't push it.

Your hope failed you. "I have a car, why don't you just hope in and we can have a little fun? Just for tonight?" the man said as he moved a piece of hair away from your face and behind your ear. You shivered and not in a good way as you smelt the alcohol in his breath. 

"No, that's okay. I'm not feeling to well, thanks for the offer though." you said as politely as you could. The man's eyes suddenly turned hard as he grabbed your wrist and smiled tightly. "Did it sound like an offer? I'm sorry honey, it was a request." he said as he tightened his hold on your wrist. You winced a little, slightly freaking out, but you stood your ground. You sobered up a bit from this little encounter and pulled your wrist back.  You stared hard into the man's eyes and didn't back down. "I said no!" you snapped, and his eyes shone with amusement and slight annoyance.

"You're cute when you think your tough. Now come, I don't like waiting." he said as he again grabbed hold of your wrist, but this time he pulled you into and ally way. You struggled against his hold and tried to get the upper hand, but you knew your attempts would do nothing.

He pushed you roughly up against the wall of the ally and started to feel you up. You felt like you were going to be sick. You tried to fight back again,but the time he slapped you, and you stood there shocked. "Stop trying to get away, it won't work. You're mine for tonight, so start enjoying it love." he said to you as he started to undo his belt. You felt tears well up in your eyes, as you prayed for someone to save you.

The man put his lips on yours and forced his tongue in your mouth. You squeezed your eyes shut as you tasted all the alcohol the man had that night. You started to struggle against him again as he started to put his hand under your dress. "no, no, no. Please, no.. Make it stop" you thought, tears flowing down your face.

The man pulled away and smiled down at you as he brought his hand up and wiped away the tears that had just fallen. "Aww, how cute. No one is gonna save you sweetheart." he said has he smiled with what looked like victory in his eyes. "What's going on here?" you heard someone say from behind the man.

The man's eyes widened a but then he turned around with a glare. "Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to have some alone time with my woman, so if you could please take your leave. Thanks" the man said, but before he could turn around and touch you again, you pushed him with all your might and ran to the person who found you. You started crying again as you hid behind the unknown person. "He tried to rape me." you said weakly to the person.

You looked up and the man was now looking the the person you were hiding behind in fear. "So, you were going to hurt her? You made a big mistake man. You should have left when she said no." the person said as they stepped closer to the man. Then in a flash the man was knocked on his ass, holding his face as blood poured out of his nose. The man stood up and ran away from where you stood.

The person who saved you turned around to see if you were okay, and you noticed it was the man you had seen before, the one with the tattoos. He smiled softly at you and put his jacket around your shoulders and walked you back to the club. You saw there was a big group outside of the club and realized it was his posy and your bouncer friend. When you got to the front of the club you broke down in tears and hugged your friend. He hugged you back in shock and...
To be continued

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