Loving Butterflies

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Nemesis-chan x Ayano Aishi

There wasn't much Nemesis could remember about her own childhood, or family, or herself in general. She could barely remember her age, and she'd long forgotten her name, which was the reason she went by Nemesis. But there was one memory that was vivid. . .

   "Loving you is like chasing a butterfly."

   Nemesis recognized that voice quite easily. And that was because it was her own. The words were spoken in her usual emotionless voice, and were usually the only sound in the dark void she always was in, flat on her back and with fear and strangely, tranquillity, in every vein of her being. Before her, a dark-haired girl stood. There was a shadow over her eyes, which was why it was impossible to detect who she was.

   When the strange girl spoke, her voice was carefully calculated to be empty and threatening at once.

   "Butterflies are not meant to be kept, but set free."

   She then raised a knife, the edge somehow glinting and brought it down towards Nemesis' chest, but mere milliseconds before it's impact—

   Nemesis jolted herself from her thoughts. The nightmare didn't always come when she was asleep, sometimes it resurfaced as a memory during the most random times. Such as when she was on a mission to assassinate Ayano Aishi.

   The first time she'd seen Ayano, Nemesis had been taken aback. Her raven hair, coal grey eyes, and fair skin. . . she was beautiful. But soon after, one of her bosses, Megami Saikou, gave her the mission to "eliminate" Ayano. It was on the grounds of the second year being Info-chan's strongest assassin, thus causing multiple deaths in and out of Akademi High. Ayano also had the habit of crudely drawing the Akademi logo onto her kills, therefore causing the school's reputation to rapidly drop with each succeeding kill.

   It wasn't usual for Nemesis to feel anything after being given a mission. In fact, it was rare for her to feel anything ever. However, she often wondered if she would in any way change after murdering Ayano. Over the time she'd stalked Ayano and tried to find an opportunity for her murder, she'd grown feelings for the raven haired girl. It was simply hard not to.

    She turned around and walked away, hoping not to encounter the girl today. She could simply lie about it. . .

   Forget that, Nemesis grumbled to herself once she spotted Ayano walk down the stairs to the second floor, a knife in her hands and a grim expression on her face. She was creeping after Mida Rana, class 3-2's pedophiliac substitute teacher. No doubt that the sultry woman would be Ayano's next victim.

   Now or never, Nemesis thought. An opportunity didn't come often — even when Ayano seemed to merely be eating lunch or studying, her guard was always up, as if she knew Nemesis was after her.

   But before she knew it, Nemesis found herself pinned to the floors of Akademi High by Ayano's foot, as the latter stood above her condescendingly.

   Nemesis gasped. Ayano was standing above her, a shadow over her eyes, rendering her unable to be described. Now Nemesis knew.

   There was a reason for her dreams as a child, and her dreams now.

   Nemesis had always been well aware that what she felt for Ayano was simply forbidden. She was an assassin ordered to kill the girls, for heaven's sake. But one's heart never chooses who to fall in love with. . . it just does. (When you develop a crush on someone who's smart but lacks common sense you'll realize this. . .) Nemesis knew liking her future victim wasn't a very good idea, but it wasn't anything she had control over.

   "Loving you is like chasing a butterfly."

   Nemesis didn't realize that she'd spoken out loud until Ayano's eyes narrowed.

   "Butterflies aren't meant to be kept, but set free."

   That marked Nemesis' death, but at least, she thought, Ayano's face was what she last saw. . .

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