Chapter 3:School

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The person you like goes to the same school. When you see her/him you blush really hard.

You:Hey Sara/Justin what's going on?

Sara /Justin:Nothing but why is you face glowing red?

You:Oh its just that...

Sara (Justin): What is it?

You;I'm gonna be honest it's  that I like you ever since you first moved in.I can't stop thinking about you.

*Sara (Justin) blushes*

Sara(Justin): I can't stop thinking about you either.

You:So will you be my gf/bf

Sara(Justin):Of course

You:Yay thank you see you later.

You run home and tell your mom everything but something doesn't feel right because your parents aren't home and noises are coming from the basement.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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