Chapter 3

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Hey, so sorry for not updating much .....

So. After I update this, ill update "It all started when i met them" a couple days later. well im PLANNING to at least. Then ill update the EunHae fanfic, add new lyrics, and maybe make a few new fanfics. im getting lots of ideas and wanna post them so uh huh.. one MIGHT be called "Secrets" and Block B is in it. another one may be called "My Angel" and its a Teen Top fanfic. Let me know by messaging or commenting below if you want a certain member of Block B or Teen Top to become your boyfriend or just fall in love with you. Well...thanks for sticking with me..I'll try not to let you down. :]


Recap (summarized)

You and Amber are running towards the booth to meet SHINee when someone grabs your hand. You tell Amber to get in line and you'll catch up with her.


It was your brother who grabbed you.

"Yah..oppa, what are you doing?"

He smiled. "Are you going to meet SHINee??"

"Yeah, of course!! Where else would I, a Dedicated Shawol, be headed if SHINee was at a booth 16 feet ahead and I could meet them?"

He sighed. 'Well, I'm going with you."

He grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. When you got to the both, Amber was next in line so you and Chunji just went up to her. Keroppi and Hen were chasing each other and Chunji started chuckling. After a couple seconds he started to cough a cute baby cough. It was smally, quiet, and high pitched. Amber looked at you guys with a cheesy grin. "haha Chunji, you cough like a freaking baby. It's very un man..." She looked down and your hand, which was still intertwined with Chunji's hand.

"Umm, __________, did something happen between you and Chunji when I wasnt there?"

You looked down, "What the f... no, actually." You tried to pull your hand away from Chunji's, but it only made him grip tighter.

"ah..oppaa, let go!!" He turned to you and smiled again.

"Why? Can't I hold my yeodongsaeng's hand?"

You pouted, "Ughh, fine."

"And.." A loud voiced boomed over the loud speaker. "MAY THE NEXT GROUP IN LINE COME TO THE BOOTH!!" Amber grabbed your hand pulled you and Chunji towards the booth.

Key was looking at you and Chunji, and at your hands. Onew cleared his throat.

"Hey guys, we're SHINee."

Amber smiled politely, "We know."

Chunji rolled his eyes, and so did you. Taemin looked at your hand, which was still in Chunji's hand.

"Umm, _______, is he your boyfriend?"

You jumped and made a face.

"What?! NO! He's my big brother! Right Chunji oppa?"

Chunji was spacing out again and you had to wave your hand in front of his face and snap your fingers a couple hundred times.

"Chunji! Oppaaa.....OPPA!!!" He turned to you.

"Oh..yeah.." Then he turned to Taemin. "Im her big bro. Her oppa." He made the popping "p" sound when he said oppa.

Key butt in. "OH.. so you wouldnt mind if I took ________ out for dinner? Tonight?"

It was silent and everyone staring at him. He asked again. "So..can I?"

Everyone shouted at the same time (except for you) "NO!!"

Key's eyes widened and he held his hands up defensively.

"Okay okay!! Geez. It was just a question." Then he put his arm around your shoulder. "It's _________'s choice anyways." He looked you in the eyes. "So, will you go out with me?"

You wanted to, so badly actually. But no one wanted you to. Not even Amber. Which kinda hurt since she's your best friend. She should want you to be happy. She KNOWS you're the biggest Locket in the world.

"Umm, sorry. But I cant. No one wants me to anyways." Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the other SHINee boys smiling. You even saw Amber smile a bit. Key pouted and gave you the cutest puppy dog eyes ever. The girls were all adored.


"Sorry, but I cant."

He drooped his shoulders and lowered his head. "Okay.."

"Maybe next time!" Everyone turned to you.


Key lifted his head and smiled. "Really?"

You smiled back. "Sure, why not?"

Chunji butt in. "WHAT?! WHYY??? NO NO!!"

You turned to him and crossed your arms. So did Key.

"Why not?"

Chunji crossed his arms too and looked down at you.

"Im your big brother, so no."

"Awww..but why??"

He started stuttering. "B-because...because..."

You raised you eyebrows. "Because.....why?"

Then he blurted out. "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!"


gjaernfehg;dsf;ehgioejj END :D


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2012 ⏰

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