My Life

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Alight so I know I left off on a weird note the last time I wrote, but it will all be explained soon. 

Where were we? Oh yes, my first friend, Megan. She was my only friend for a long time, we hung out all the time. I guess we both just needed someone to tell all our secrets to. It was easy to talk to her when we were little kids. I mean, we were each others' only friends so its not like we could just go out blabbing to the next friend who wanted a secret. As the years went by we got closer and closer as friends. Of course we had our little fights but we were best friends up until about 6th or 7th grade. But we will get to that later. First, in 5th grade we both were really interested in trying out for cheer leading. We both lived in a small town so we didn't have much else to do. We talked and talked about tryouts for weeks. We practiced so much, I don't know about her but I needed this. All I did was sit around my grandparents house eating all the time, hang out with Megan, and watch my older sister, Nikki, have a great time with all her amazing friends. Anyway, so the week came when the tryouts and the practices were to try out. I was insanely nervous and scared. They made us run so much. And we had to learn jumps. The jumps were the hardest part, in my opinion. Everyday after the tryout practices Megan and I would go back to her house, practice, eat, practice some more, and sleep. Finally, the day of tryouts were upon us. I was insanely nervous and I remember all of us sitting in the locker room waiting for our numbers to be called. I thought I was going to puke, I was so nervous. One by one the girls all went, I was one of the last ones to try out. I spirited my way into the gym, cheered my cheers to the best of my ability and thought I had done pretty well. As soon as everyone had gone coach told us to go wait in the gym and the judges would come back in a few minutes to let us know who made the squad and who did not. We waited and waited... and waited. Eventually they came out and coach read the names of who made the squad. 

-Lisa Evens 

- Julie Mark 

-Heather Wood

-Megan Stuart

-blah blah blah (there were about 7 or so more names) 

I did not make the team. I cried the whole way home. I walked into my grandparents house, crawled into bed, and cried for all the hard work I had put in to this. This, this team was going to help me make friends. I cried because I could have been like Nikki, with all her funny, amazing friends who would help her and be there for her no matter what. I cried because my mom wasn't there to hold me, wasn't there to root for me and tell me I could do it. Turns out I couldn't do it. Megan could, she would have all these new friends and she would leave me in the dust. Like I was no one. 

The next day at school I ignored Megan, I was mad that she had gotten to do by herself what we had planned to do as a team. Just as I was about to pass coach's classroom she came out and asked me to please come into her room. When I walked in I saw the other couple of girls who didn't make the team. I figured this was going to be one of those "I know you tried really hard but you didn't make it so sucks to suck" speeches. But to my delight it was not. Mrs. Pepper*, my coach, looked us right in the eyes and told us that she decided that everyone who tried out would be on the team. She looked at us and told us that our dreams had come true and that all that we had wished for was there for us, sitting on a platter. I was so happy I could hardly breathe. I ran out and told Megan. She was so happy for me, she had felt really bad about me not making the team earlier. We made plans to hang out after school that day and we were so excited for what was to come. 

*I will talk more about Mrs. Pepper in my next addition. She means a lot more to me than just being my coach. You'l find that out soon enough though. 

Well thank you for reading about my life. Let me know what you think, I love you all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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