twelve ; painkillers

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chapter twelve;

this trio omf i love them...

          A groan of pain leaves your lips as you pout slightly, cuddling with the pillow

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          A groan of pain leaves your lips as you pout slightly, cuddling with the pillow. Your feet are tangled in the sheets as you shoot your glare into a space of nothingness. Shima eyes your actions with a confused look on his face, lounging in the desk chair, an idea comes to him and he snaps a picture of you before sending it to Rin. The reason being, he finds it totally cute when you pout (he knows Rin will too) and also gives Rin a heads up that you're not particularly in a good mood.

          Another groan leaves you as you thus face the pinkette, unaware of the photograph he has taken, you mumble something under your breath, only just reaching his ears.

"I hate mother nature!"

          Shima eyes you warily before finally speaking up, "Has Aunt Red come to visit you this month?" As the words spill from his mouth, you shoot him an incredulous look before realization sets in.

        Rolling your eyes, you reply, " No Shima, I'm not on my period. I just get these terrible pre-cramps, which means that it's coming in a day or two; it's like alarm before all hell breaks lose."

          "Hey, look at the bright side. It's because of your period that women are able to go through the beautiful process known as child birth." More stupid words tumble out of his mouth before you sigh tiredly.

          "You got any painkillers?" You question and he nods his head before implying they're in the second cupboard on the left. Sanding up, you walk over to the dresser, pulling the cupboard open. Rummaging through his things, your eyes land on a small pill bottle, popping it open and tilt the bottle back, eventually two small blue pills fall onto your palm. Popping them in your mouth, you then swallow them dry, the foul taste of antibiotics still fresh on your tongue.

          The soft ringing of a phone echoes through the room before the pink-haired boy picks up, "Yo," he starts, your guess is that Rin's on the other line, "-huh? Oh yeah, we're like five minutes away." Your eyes widen as realization settles in, you were supposed to meet up with Rin and the rest of your group today at some fast food place known as Mc. Ronalds. Although the both of you were so caught up on binge reading the new manga you had stolen from your boyfriend that time just seemed to breeze by.

          He hangs up the phone, slipping it in his pocket, a cheeky smile gracing his lips. It's common for such a grin to reach Shima's face due to his mischievous behavior, it's the type of smile that you're used to seeing by now— one that's usually associated with a devious plan forming in his head, or when a simple white lie leaves his lips.

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