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I sat on the train. I pulled out my IPod, with a black case, but a golden sun, and a pair of silver headphones. I put them in my ear and began to listen to Numb by Linkin Park. Honestly the song reminds me of myself. In the past anyway. Then there was a knock at the door. A group of people, two boys and a girl. The first boy had bright red hair, freckles and brown eyes. The other boy, had unruly black hair, emerald green eyes, round glasses and a lightning shaped scar.I look at the girl I froze. She did as well. The girl had frizzy, mouse brown hair and warm chocolate brown eyes that shone with intelligence. It was Hermione Granger, daughter of Athena.
"NICO?!!!" She exclaimed after a moment,
"HERMIONE?!!!" I responded, loudly, I stood and greeted her, she was about to greet me with a hug, but stopped herself,
"Sorry, I forgot you don't like to be touched." she said, I smiled at her, a small smile, but a smile nonetheless. "Did you get a wand?"
"Yup." I replied, I pulled it out. It was in a black box trimmed with silver and gold. Inside was a black wand with a silver handle. "It's fir wood with a dragon heartstring core, 9 ½ inches stiff. Fir wood is best paired with an owner with strength of purpose, focused, strong minded, and occasionally intimidating. I asked."
"That describes you perfectly." Hermione chuckled,
"We go to the same camp over the summer. In America." she explained, "Guys this is Nico di Angelo, Nico this is Ron Weasley and Harry Potter." I waved, not smiling anymore, a bit annoyed at the newly dubbed Ron. I turned back to Mione,
"What year are you in?" I asked, she sat down in front of me, Ron and Harry reluctantly joining her,
"We are redoing our seventh year because we battle a bad wizard and were on the run most of the year, most of the school is redoing their last year." she explained,
"Cool, I'm in seventh year too." I told her,
"Which house do you think you'll be in?" she asked,
"Instead of Cabins like at camp we have houses. You're sorted based off your personality. Gryffindor for the Brave, Ravenclaw for the Smart, Hufflepuff for the Loyal, and Slytherin for the Cunning." she explained,
"I don't know." I admitted,  "Maybe Gryffindor because of, you know, that place..." She nodded,
"You're sorted by a hat that looks into your memories. You don't relive them but the hat probably will react." my face fell,
"At least I won't see them. Right?" I attempted, she nodded and smiled sadly.
"So what's it like, the wizarding school in America?" Scar face- Harry I believe asked,
"It's fun, we aren't sorted into houses like at Hogwarts, instead we are sorted by what kind of magic we perform best." I began carefully, "We also learn physical combat, at the camp too."
"That's cool." Ron commented, I nodded, I just noticed how he and Harry seemed to be watching me, trying to examine me.
"We are nearly there, I should go change." and I did, I left the room and got on my robes. When I got back to the compartment, I could hear what they're saying,
Honestly Hermione, he could be a death eater." I heard Harry insist,
"No. I know him. He isn't a death eater."
"When he's put in Slytherin you'll have to believe us." I walked in and they shut up. I payed no attention. The train began to slow. We had arrived.

After a carriage ride, we walked into the great hall. It was huge, and the ceiling reflected the sky. A woman in emerald green robes stood up.
"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. I would like to welcome, Professors Castellan and Grace-"
"I go by Thalia, I don't use my last name." A voice cut in. I looked to see Thalia and Luke, in all their glory. My mouth fell open. Luke is alive. How?
"Professors Thalia and Castellan, who will be taking on the post of Defence against the Dark Arts." the lady revised, "Now I would like to remind you that the Forbidden Forest is as always of limits and Mr. Filch would like me to remind you that all Weasley's Wizard's Wheezes products are not allowed in the school as is Magic in the hallway." she then unrolled a scroll and backed up to a stool that had an old worn out hat sitting on it.
"Amaya, Will" she said, a boy, with dark hair and tan skin walked up and sat on the stool. The hat seemed to shift so as to seem to have a face.
"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat exclaimed, a table wearing Black and Yellow stood up and began to clap. The boy walked down to it and sat down. The names went like this in alphabetical order, at the end when the last kid had been sorted into Ravenclaw, the Professor called for attention once again,
"This year Hogwarts has accepted and Exchange student from America. Di Angelo, Nico" she called, I walked up to the stool and sat. I saw the students watch me with their curious expressions. Then all I saw was black as the hat covered my eyes.
Well, another halfblood, interesting. Hmm, I see courage, tremendous courage, ah incredible intelligence. My what loyalty you possess. And your cunning. My, let's venture deeper into your memories shall we?
"No." I thought,
Why not? Surely you wish to be sorted?
"If you want to go insane be my guest but you will regret it."  I felt the hat push past my barriers through my memories. Then all Hades broke loose. (Sorry dad.)
"GET ME OFF HIS HEAD!!! GRYFFINDOR!!! DEFINITELY GRYFFINDOR!!! NOW GET ME OFF HIS HEAD!!!" and with that I felt the hat fall off my head, and I saw the confused expressions of the students. I looked behind me to Thalia and Luke. They had sad expressions. I simply gave them a small smile and walked down to the Gryffindor table. I sat down as the food appeared, sacrificed some with a jar of greek fire and ate, as they looked at me in shock. Then a teacher, with orange hair and bubble glasses stood, and took a sharp intake of air.

The Ghost King has come,
In search of the Chosen Ones
Children of Love, Magic and Merchants,
Of Plants, Music, Knowledge and Wisdom
Each pretending to be something they're not,
They're disguises burning with a substance red hot
But when the Lieutenant of the Sun was abducted
The Ghost King slowly drifted from his objective
Fifteen within the walls
And one that's dead returns standing tall
But as they come from different houses together
Facing many distractions and dangers
Two foes, one old, one new,
The one with one last horcrux
And the one who put the Ghost King in a coma
One final battle before peace can settle
They shall face fear, pain and anger
And joy, love, and power
But in the end only one side shall conquer
But over this know the Fates have no power
If the Ghost King wishes to save his home and love
He must gather quickly and train the chosen ones
The future immortal teachers and Lieutenants of Hogwarts
Although the choice to accept or deny is their own.

This she chanted, her eyes glazed over like glass, her voice multiplying to sound as if three voices were speaking as one. When she finished chaos tore through the hall.

Finally!!! A chapter!!! I hope you guys enjoy

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