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A/N Hello all! This might just be kind of a short story. Im not sure, most likely though. Here's my second Larry stylinson story!! I got the idea by watching random youtube videos, when i came across body switching type videos, so yeah. Hope you enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V

"C'mon, follow me" He whispers in my ear.

His voice is angelic.

He grabs my hand. I can feel him,hear him, why cant I see him?

He gently pushes me against the wall. A dim light shines, barely enough to see.

I see...wha-?

He kissed me....

Louis Tomlinson kissed me....

*End of dream*

"What the fu- umf.....ow..." I groan as my back hits the floor.

What's up with my voice? I think im sick.

What was up with that dream?

I open my eyes. They widen as I realize, I am not in my room. Did I get drunk and end up sleeping with someone? No...I didnt drink last night. I think for a minute. Oh....

*Flash back*

"Niall, where are you? Im in front of the movie theatre, its packed!" I whine.

"Im sorry Harry, I cant come, im grounded..Just enjoy the movie. I got to go, bye!" He hangs up.

I take my seat. The only seat thats not taken is the one next to me.

Louis' P.O.V

"Zayn, where the fuck are you?" I growl into the phone.

"Sorry mate, gotta babysit. Tell me about the movie at school. Gots to go." With that, he hangs up.

I walk into the theatre to see only one seat available.

I squeeze myself through people to get to my seat. Ignoring everyones groans and nags.

Harry's P.O.V

A boy sits next to me. Oh my....god. Really? You've got to be fucking kidding me!! Why him?! Why did Louis Tomlinson have to sit next to me?

I think i've been staring because he turns to give me a confused look.

"Arent you that Styles kid?" He asks me.

"Um, sure." I roll my eyes.

Why cant everyone call me by my name? And not my last name, or words like faggot.

"No need to be prissy, curly." He laughs slightly.

His laugh is addictive. Shut up Harry. You hate him.

"Im not the jerk. Now shut up, the movies starting."


The middle of the movie he starts to mumble to himself.

"Will you hush!" I snap.

"I am barely speaking! Dont you dare snap at me." He huffs.

"Quit mumbling to yourself. I'm trying to watch the movie."

"Well im bored. This sucks."

"This is actually an interesting movie. If you'd pay attention."

"Look curly, dont sass me, because that's my job. I mean..not sass myself..but, like, erm, sass others.."

"Yeah, i know what you mean. Just.Shut.Up."

Love, Hate. (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now