a day with tristian part 3

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Bella's POV
After I got in Tristan's car he drove off "why didn't you tell me" I said without thinking "let it go tiger" Tristan's said "no I will not let it go and you can't make me either" I said and we began yelling at each other

Tristan's POV

After five minutes of yelling at each other she finally said "fine I'll drop it but your telling me later" with a serious voice "fine"I said and continued driving while continuously glancing at bella.

Bella's POV

When we got to the park I immediately went to the swings "so when are you going to tell me why" I asked "later" Tristian said "can you push me please" I said with my puppy dog face so he walked over to me and began pushing me back and forth. When I was high enough he stopped and leaned up against the bar/pole thing and played on his phone and me being the impatient person I am I asked "can you tell me why " "later"Tristan said " no I want you to tell me why now or I swear to god I will stick my foot up your a** "I threatened/demanded him to tell me we ended up having a staring contest "fine I didn't tell you because I didn't want you or anyone to think I went soft " Tristan said with honesty so I looked away from him and said "trust me no one would think that" "sure you totally know that and you've only been here for 3 days" he said with sarcasm "whatever but I know that Paris wouldn't care and sometimes it's okay to go soft and just because you like a girl doesn't mean your going soft it means you have a heart unlike your friends and their hormones god sometime I wish I could just hit them so hard they'd go back 100 years in life to get smarter and have a healthier brain including having a heart because their heart is dead plain black dead😂😂😂"I ranted so I looked over at Tristan only to see him on the ground laughing "oh...My...God...You...said...their... heart...is...plain...black...dead...they...can't...live...without...a...heart...Bella"Tristan said between laughed finally calming down

Skipping to when the essiment is over cuz I'm lazy...😘😘😘

If you have a idea for the next chapter message me pls...

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