(6) Fangirl Article

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Joking aside, welcome to another exciting installment of YGO Magazine Fangirl Columns by yours truly... I promise, this one will be short... but hopefully somewhat sweet since it's Valentine's Day and all.

Although today, I would rather talk about shipping in Yu-Gi-Oh!, there are some ships I like to mention, that others don't really like and vice versa. Of course I believe it's okay to ship characters even without any canon evidence, or with your own headcannons. Heck, I do that all the frigging time. XD

But one thing's for sure, there will be people out there who may judge you for those kinds of things when shipping characters. Others might not be interested.

My advice is usually to tolerate those responses as best you can, but it may get tiring after a while XD.

Anyway, my fave ships in no particular order: REVOLUTION, PEACH, PUZZLE, PRIDE, SOME VANISH AND My "personal" favorite: EGYPTIANPEACHSHIPPING XDDDD

(Sorry to toot my own horn but)

ITS VALENTINES DAY OF COURSE, SO I WOULD LOVE COMMENTS on whether or not you like, or don't like those pairings above and why I'll be only happy enough even to receive one reply, or two.

Also the title is a pun on the franchise Star Wars, but ITS about YGO so yeah I was just explaining what my fave ships are without going into various details for a change.

Anyway what did I tell you....Short but kinda sweet XD

Until next Time 2 D-d-D-d-DUEL

... k Dan I'll stop now :3

Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine Issue #13 - February 2017Where stories live. Discover now