Chapter 4~

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The Next Morning

Chanyeol's POV~
As I wake up to the sound of birds chirping I sigh in frustration. Even though I thought I would get a lot of sleep last night, I didn't. I got absolutely no sad.

I get out of bed with no energy what so ever. I try to get to the bathroom with stumbling, let's just say I failed that a lot.

I open the bathroom door and enter. I look at myself in the mirror to see how I look. "Wow you can definitely tell I didn't get sleep." The first thing I see when I look at myself is my dark eye circle. "I guess after having not a lot of sleep within weeks this happens." I laugh at myself.

I exit the bathroom to get my clothes for the day plus my glasses. I then go back into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I finish in within seven minutes, a new record. Yes I time myself, don't judge.

I get my backpack and head to the kitchen to get my breakfast ready. That morning I was going to have something real nice, till I saw the time. I have ten minutes till the school bell will ring. I then decide on just having a muffin.

I take the muffin and exit my house. While walking I look at the clouds shifting, "They look amazing, I wish I was a cloud." I always loved the idea of being a cloud, being able to be so carefree & also to be able to fly, who wouldn't want to fly.

I stop looking at the clouds. I start to fast walk to school so I'm not late.

I run and run and run, making it to school with two minutes left. I stop to catch my breath. I compose myself and head to my class.

While walking to my class I see Lay and Suho walking in my direction idle talking about random things. I try to make myself invisible, but they saw me. They walk over to me. "Hey Chanyeol" Says Suho. "Um...Hi" I awkwardly answer back. "How was the rest of your day yesterday?" Lay questions me in curiosity. "Erm it was fine, thanks I guess?" "Yah no problem" he answers back. "I'd hate to stop this conversation but I really need to get to class, you guys too." I tell them. "Okay, well see you in a little while then." They both smile and turn to leave walking in the same direction they were originally walking in.


I make it to my class on time and take my seat trying to pay attention to everything my teacher was saying. Of course I have to be dead tired on the day we do the most boring lesson.

-time skip to last class because nothing else interesting happens XD-

"Ahhhh finally last class, I can almost feel my house." I open the door to my classroom. I enter and sit down. I look around to see no one else here, including my teacher. "Weird. Guess I'm really early today. Oh well guess I'll take a little nap."

I put my head down on my desk to catch some z's.

I however awoke to the sound of something shattering. "What was that?" I lift my head to see people start to walk in. "Mannnnnn" I groan.

All of a sudden I hear people chuckling above me. I look up to see my Seatmates staring down at me. "Ugh, what do you guys want with me now??" I question. "Well isn't someone Mr. Grumpy." They all laugh.

"I didn't get my nap so yes I am Mr. Grumpy." I smile. "Well we will give you some time to yourself." They say in unison. "Weirdos." I say in my head.

The teacher walks into the classroom and shuts everyone up. Class starts as it usually does.

-Le amazing time skip-
Class has finally ended. Pictures of my bed keeps flashing in my mind. Ahhhh my bed just what I want. I start to pack everything up.

I can hear footsteps exiting the class, however there were some that seemed to stop right next to me. I sigh once again. "What is it guys, I'm really tired so I just want to get home." I explain tiredly. "We wanted to talk to you of course!" Tao exclaims happily. "I'm sorry bit I just really want to get home." I sigh. "We understand, your tired so we shall leave you alone." Kris tells me.

"How about later on you guys can come over to my house so we can have a chat? Its Friday so if you want you guys can stay over the night. My family won't mind at all." I tell them to hopefully make them happy. Their faces all lit up with what I said. "R-really!? We really can?!" They say in unison. " Do they have psychic powers are something?" I say to myself. "Yes yes, that what I said and I don't go back on what I say." I tell them "How about coming over at around six?" I suggest.

They all nod their heads happily. "Okay that's settled, now ill take my leave. See you guys later okay." I smile at them. "Yep, you too Chanyeol." Says Kai.

I wave and exit the classroom heading to the entrance of the school. " Just what did I get myself into??"

A/n I'm sorry for not updating. I've been really busy with school, but here you guys go. Hope you all enjoy this awful chapter and get ready for ze Sleepover XDD

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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