Happy Valentines Day!!!

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Or the the dreaded Valentines Day to some forever single people. Seeing all those other "more loved" and "popular" girls and guys with those human-sized teddy bears can make me jealous sometimes. I also got a little jealous seeing my close friends get a little more than me, too...

it's hard not to think about all the things people can buy for you and not getting any of that, but buying some on-sale chocolate for some lover of your's isn't the point of the day. Valentine's Day is a day where you just emphasize your love a little more to people, to celebrate love as a community more than you would on a regular Tuesday.
Just remember the people (and pets) you love.
And though I don't have any art for you (at this moment), I still want to use this day to celebrate all of you!
You all aren't my followers, you're my friends. The instant you clicked or tapped that follow button on my account, you became a potential friend to me (not saying that as "you followed me and made my follower count bigger haha I love you!").
When you click that follow button that means a new member to add to this little family thing we got going on here. Most of you are artists and drawers like me so it's kind of like one big art family.
This is why whenever I'm sick (which is usually the time when I'm too sick to do sh00t and can't do much in general anyways), I ask you all if you want to talk to me. I have the free time to do so and I can get to know you all better. Plus talking to you all makes me feel a bit better when I'm sick.
I appreciate all the love you show back to me, and I couldn't ask for anything else.
Thank you.

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