Chapter 10~ Is this what I think it is...? PT.2

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I strode down the hall with Samuel by my side, already feeling like the ruler of the world...which I practically was. I grinned at Samuel's adorable face. How was it possible for one man to fall so hard so fast? "Are you sure you can't tell me where we're going"? Samuel teased with a smirk. I laughed "I'm afraid not..." I giggled at his pout "Oh cheer up lo- Samuel! It will be fun"! His smile faltered and I turned ahead, now red. As we made our way to the main hall I saw Riley walking with one of my maids. Oh what was her name? Ah! Mrs. Lila. I loved her. I nodded in acknowledgement to them. "Hello! Good day". Mrs. Lila curtsied while Riley gave a deep bow. I watched as a silent communication passed between Samuel and the two that I didnt catch. The two soon scurried off with oddly smug faces as we exited the palace. I stopped Samuel as he approached the coach. "I thought it would be brilliant to walk. Is that alright"? Samuel looked pleasently suprised and nodded "Absolutely". I waved the coach off as we started our walk into central London. I was relieved that Samuel was still holding onto my arm as we strolled into town. I was annoyed with all of the cheers and "Hey isnt that the King"? And "Hello your Majesty"! Soon a large crowd started to form. 'Uughhhhh'. Do not mistake me, I love my subjects. But when I am trying to woo a very attractive man and seem like im busy it gets a little annoying. We finally squeezed past the crowd. "My they seemed a bit excited". Samuel chuckled breathlessly from the attention. Taking the oppurtunity of the loud crowd and busy street I leaned close to his ear, lips brushing the shell. "Its alright Samuel. We'll be there soon". I was delited to see a shiver run down his spine. As we continued our trek through the busy London streets my suprise finally came into view. I picked up the pace and pulled Samuel forward. I leaned in once more. "Close your eyes..." He did as commanded as I guided our last steps to our destination. I looked between him and it excitedly, hoping it was alright. "Now". He opened his eyes and gasped, a pleasent smile gracing his lips. "Oh my, George this place is fantastic"! I blushed. It really wasn't but Im glad he is satisfied. I took his arm again and entered Rules ((This is an actual resteraunt in London. Dont worry I did my research!!😂😂)). A waiter immeadietly recognized me and dipped into a bow. "Your Highness. What an honur. May I sit you at our finest table"? Samuel looked around the place, impressed. I nodded "If you would". We followed as he took us to a backroom, dim lighting and a cozy ambiance. He showed us the menus and gave another bow. "Please enjoy sirs". He walked away leaving us to our own devices. Samuel made an overwhelmed laugh, taking another look around."George this is wonderful! Thank you so much, this is too much". I shook my head "Nonesense! You deserve so much more...but i'm glad that you like the suprise". Samuel seemed suprised at my words. I hade been suprising him alot today...hopefully in the right way. I had been scared i'd put him off. But I blushed as he mommentarily grasped my hand, squeezing it. "Thank you. Its absolutely lovely". I smiled in return, unable to form words since butterflys had clogged my throat. We quickly ordered and got back to our pleasent conversation. Samuel looked at me carefuly "I had wanted to ask you at the meeting but I never really got the chance to. Why is America such a...sensitive topic"? I tensed at the word. He noticed my discomfort and quickly backpedaled. "O-Or if you arent comfterable saying anything thats alright". I shook my head and forced myself to relax. "No, no its alright. The reason the council is so angry and sensitive on the topic is because they think I shouldnt be king. America was my decision, following many other poor ones. No one says it and I know what they think of me". I took a look at Samuel and remembered his kind words last night. "But I know I can make good ones, thanks to you. Knowing that someone believes in me, truley believes in me gives me confidence. So thank you. I appreciate it". The conversation trailed of as, dare I say it?, we got lost into eachothers eyes. Extremely cliche but it is the truth. Samuel's eyes were such an enthralling thing to look at, I couldnt turn away. So much soul and kindness and sencerity. Such- hot soup. I jumped as the waiter scrambled to clean up his mess. Pale and frightened he babbled apologies nonstop. I shooed him away "Stop its alright, do not trouble yourself. Thank you". I cleaned it up as he quickly got me another soup. Once he scurried away me and Samuel burst out laughing, gaining a lot of dissaproving looks but I didnt care. We barely ate, talking the time away. We soon finished and joined arms again, walking into the streets. "That was so much fun"! Samuel sighed, glancing my way. I nodded "Indeed". My chest constricted as Samuel laid a tired head softly unto my shoulder. "Is this alright"? I sighed in contentment and muttered "More than". We finally made it back to the palace and we quickly rushed by everyone, not really wanting questions. Samuel turned to me as we got to the door. "Thank you again for lunch". "It was a true delight". Samuel hesitated but leaned forward slowly, breathe hitched. I leaned forward, my breathing also labored. Samuel's lips were ghosting my own, sharing our breaths. He gulped. I quickly closed the last few centimeters quickly. It was sweet but short. Samuel relaxed into me and slightly kissed back. 'Oh-oh my GOD. He's kissing back!? He LIKES me!?!'. I pulled back slowly savoring every last inch of his lips. We looked at eachother happily. I coughed and sputtered. "I-I-I, uh, I will be going now. Uhm, bye". I backed away, never looking away. Samuel bit his lip and waved, slowly walking into his room. Once the door was securly shut I smirked and smoothed my clothes. "Hell yeah George". I straightened my robes and strutted down the halls...


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