Cold Eyes

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Oichi stared out the window of Nixtorm castle. It was nighttime and the moonlight made the ice glitter, but inside it was warm. She was safe here and it was the only place she knew where she wouldn't be alone. Ever since her brother had started ignoring her a couple of years ago, she had come here where she had met one of his most loyal allies, Mitsuhide. Even though he was very loyal to her brother, he still took her in and let her live with him and his daughter, Gracia, in Nixtorm castle. Oichi knew that she could trust them, but with every passing day she grew more worried. She knew she was safe, but a feeling of anxiousness was getting the best of her. It won't be long before my brother finds out I'm here, she thought, And I can't bear to think of what could happen to Mitsuhide and Gracia when he does.

"Oichi!" A voice called and she turned to see Gracia and her Gothorita running up to her.

"Oh, Gracia! What is it? And where is Jigglypuff?"

"Come see for yourself!" Gracia said, excitedly, as she quickly took Oichi by the hand. She then led them to the living room, which was probably the biggest room in the castle. There was a roaring fire in the huge river stone fireplace, the floor was lined with tatami mats, and there were marble pillars on the sides of the walls with carvings of numerous ice type Pokemon like Lapras, Sealeo, and Beartic. The walls were also lined with shelves full of books, papers, and many different art supplies. In the center there were a few tables where one could sit down at, and at the one closest to the fireplace was Mitsuhide and his Lapras. Mitsuhide was sitting in a seiza position and Lapras looked over his shoulder as he worked diligently on writing a letter, probably to Nobunaga.

When the two girls entered he looked up and smiled, "Oichi, I hope you'll forgive what Gracia has done to Jigglypuff."

Oichi looked at him with a confused look before turning to Gracia and asked, "What did you do to Jigglypuff?"

"I'll show you, but ignore what Father said! I think you'll love Jigglypuff's new look!"

Oichi had a bad feeling about this as the young girl led her over to one of the bookshelves closest to the fireplace. There she saw Jigglypuff who was covered in red hearts painted all over its body. The pink Pokemon had its body puffed up and was clearly mad at what Gracia had done to it. Oichi did think Jigglypuff looked cute, but she could see that her partner was not happy with its new look.

"Well? What do you think?"

"I think it's cute, but Jigglypuff clearly doesn't seem to like it," Oichi said before putting her hands on both of Gracia's shoulders, "Gracia, you must learn to take into consideration how the Pokemon feels before you put paint on them, or something of that sort."

"But Gothorita let's me do it all the time!"

Oichi shook her head, "That's Gothorita though. Jigglypuff isn't Gothorita, so she won't be so willing to do things that Gothorita enjoys. The same goes for your Father's Lapras. Do you understand?"

Gracia was quiet for a moment before she nodded her head, trying to force a smile, "I understand."

"That's good," Oichi said as she ruffled the young girl's hair, causing her to giggle, "Now why don't you apologize to Jigglypuff and clean the paint off of her. I know she will appreciate that."

"Okay!" Gracia said before she and her Gothorita sat down next to Jigglypuff and grabbed a towel to clean the paint off of the Pokemon.


Oichi turned to Mitsuhide when she heard her voice being called, "Yes?"

"May I speak to you for a moment?"

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