The Meeting

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My eyes fell on the tawny boy across the room. He was leaned against the wall his toned arms crossed over a sturdy chest. I approached him cautiously and leaned on the wall beside him, "This blows," I  quipped tilting my head up to see his sweet cognac eyes staring down at me. His lips parted to reveal slightly crooked teeth that somehow made him even more adorable. 

"Yeah," He laughed looking down at the ground. It was a sweet gentle laugh that was already tugging on my heart. 

"Want to get out of here? Or are you with someone?" I smirked at him. He glanced sideways at me and smiled back his eyes glittering in the dim light, "I'm Ilyana by the way." I extended my hand toward him. 

"Ronan," he hesitantly took my hand and searched around the room, "I came with my friends but these type things aren't really my thing, so maybe I could get out of here with you. I don't know though. Maybe," He pulled away from me and started walking toward the mass of people in the center of the gym. "I'm gonna go find my friends and tell them I'm leaving." He glanced back at me, "I'll be right back, Ilyana." He explained his melodious voice reaching my ear. 

"Okay, Ronan," I whispered my face flushing. I covered my eyes with my hands and sighed. I stood there watching everyone else having a good time rattling thoughts around in my head. "God what am I doing?" I whispered to myself.

"Okay, I'm back where are we going?" I jumped at the sound of his voice beside me, "Are you okay?" He meekly asked.

I snickered, "Yeah, I'm fine," I turned to face him and grinned wide, "Did you decide to go with me then?" 

"Only if you tell me where we are going," I saw his smile through the shadows.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," I held out my hand for his keys, "I'm driving. Don't worry I have my license and I'm a great driver. Come on," I pouted my lip and he rolled his eyes.

"It's my parents car if we get caught we would get in huge trouble," He shook his head at me and fiddled with his keys. 

"We won't get caught," I took a step toward him my hand still outstretched, "Plus you wouldn't know how to get where we are going even if I told you," He rolled his eyes again and chuckled before placing the keys in my hand.

"Fine, but don't take me somewhere remote and drop me off," His teeth glittered in the light and I felt my chest tighten. 

"Wouldn't dream of it let's roll," I spun the keys on my finger and turned on my heels. 


We pulled up to the water front and I glanced at him, "Here?" He asked raising one straight eyebrow.

"This is the best place to star gaze," I grinned at him and climbed out of the car. When he didn't follow I stuck my head back in the door, "Come on it's beautiful." 

He chuckled at me again, "Fine," He climbed out after me and we laid on the hood of his car together. 

"I used to come out here all the time with my family and we'd just lay out under the stars and tell stories," I reminisced, "We would pack a picnic and stay out here for hours." 

"Used to?" He responded quizzically his curly nut brown hair took my breath away in the moonlight. 

"Yeah," I paused, "My parents both just got really busy and like... I don't know we just don't have time to do things like that anymore." I sighed, "How about you any family traditions with you?" 

He chuckled his laugh resonating off my ear drums making me grin from ear to ear, "Not really," he faced the stars the silhouette of his strong nose and chiseled chin making my heart beat faster, "I mean once a year my mom and dad will take my sister and me to a hotel somewhere and we will stay there for a weekend, but I think that's mostly for them." 

  "Well that's still something," I took a deep breath and we lay there silent for a while.

"Ilyana?" He asked suddenly, "What made you come and talk to me tonight?"

"Well..." I thought, "I was just really bored and I thought you looked like you really needed an escape, so here we are. Would you rather me not have?" 

"No, I'm glad you did," He turned his head so his eyes met mine again, "I just didn't know why someone talked to me tonight. Most people don't. People view me as too... stand offish I guess," His voice was agitated, "I just wasn't sure if one of your friends dared you to ask me out or something." 

"Yeah, no," I scoffed, "I don't even have any friends. Just people I talk to. I have problems trusting people I guess," I stared at the stars tears welling in my eyes, "If you don't have people around you no one can hurt you."

"Then why are you having me around? Why did you ask me to hang out tonight?" He sat up on the car hood.

"Being alone can be very lonely sometimes. Tonight I didn't want to be lonely," I touched his arm, "Plus, You're great company," I leaned up with him and pressed my lips against his as the stars shone all around us. 

He pulled away from me and jumped off the car, "I should be getting back my parents will be worrying I'll drop you off at home. What's your address?"

"Twin Falls," I muttered.

"Me too," He hopped in the car and I followed, "Address?" 

"815 Sun Peak Way," I said matter-of-factly.

"I don't live to far from there I'll drop you off," He looked at me with his kind eyes.


The ride home was quiet and I wasn't sure what to say. I had just kissed a guy I barely knew. "I'm sorry,"I finally sputtered out when we pulled in my driveway, "I shouldn't have done what I did and I crossed a line."

"Don't worry about it. There was no harm done," He smiled shyly at me. 

"Expect maybe to my ego," I laughed pulling myself out of the car, "I'll see you at school." 

"Yes, definitely," He waved, "We should do this again sometime." 

I waved back, "Yes, definitely. Bye Ronan," I raced inside as the car pulled out of my driveway. 

"Ilyana," a stern voice came from the living room, "You're late." 

"Sorry, Dad I was just with a friend," I shied away.

"You didn't even THINK to call me," He accused grabbing my arms, "I can't believe you." He shoved me backwards into the wall, "Now get to your room." 

I covered my eyes, so he couldn't see the tears rolling down my cheeks as I dashed up the stairs quickly closing the door behind me. 

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