Chapter 1

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Iris POV

I never thought I would return to this place ever again but I did. Life didn't exactly went the way I planned it. So I stopped planning. It's been 9 years since I left this place, the feeling is still the same. When I left I was a child, now coming back an adult. I chuckle as I remember how badly I wanted to grow up. It's not that I love my childhood, and to be honest it's the complete opposite. But that time, I was hopeful that things will be different in few years. Now standing here, I can say things are different but I am not sure if it's in a good way or bad. But if one thing that hasn't changed are my thoughts. I still think that my situations will be different in upcoming years. I just want them to be in a good way.

I realized I had been walking for a long time now, I look back and see that I have come a long way from home. I look straight and see the road, it's long and I want to keep walking ahead but the sun is setting now and I have to get back to a place that I used think was my home. I sigh and turn back.

I look around and see some people. Most of them are returning from their work. Some of them look happy. Maybe something nice happened to them today. Maybe I will be happy one day. It's not that I don't like seeing other people happy. I just want myself to be happy like them too. Now days I just walk around and absorb people around me. I have a long back now and I feel so tired. It's funny how I didn't felt tired while coming here. 

I waited at the bus stop. I just didn't had the energy to walk back home. But the bus was late and there were a lot of people so I started walking again, feeling even more tired. I didn't felt scared or something because there were people walking on the path. I was so lost in my thoughts that I bumped into someone's back.

"Ow" I stumbled back as I touched my nose.

"Ow" I heard another noise.

I looked at the guy in front  of me. Black clothes, tattoos, looked scary, perfect. 

"I am sorry I didn't realize.." I mumbled.

"Didn't realize that you were trying to kill me?" He said looking shocked.

I looked scared. I wasn't good at interacting with people specially when they were mad at me. He looked at my confused face and laughed.

"I was joking. It's alright." He smiled.

I looked at him confusingly and tried to read his expression if he was really kidding. I noticed his dimples and green eyes. Well he didn't looked so scary now.

"Oh, Okay. Sorry once again." I smiled.

He nodded and kept walking. We had to walk in the same direction so I kept walking behind him slowly. Why does his face looks so familiar and Why do I feel so awkward? I was kept looking down but I would glance at his direction sometimes. I just wanted to get out this situation.

"Are you planning on bumping into me again?" He stopped and asked suddenly.

"What? No." I replied surprised.

"Are you following me then? Are you going to kidnap me?" He asked again. Is he real? Was he joking again?

"No please I am not doing anything like that." I answer.

"Alright. But do you have other intentions, because I don't sleep with people I bump into on road. At least not the first day but...." 

"What the hell are you talking? I have to go in that direction as well. I live there." I replied answered cutting his sentence and raising my voice a little.

"Oh. I see." He said.

"Yeah I have to go." I said and started walking. He started walking beside me.

"Well we are going in one direction so why not let's walk together." he said cheerfully. What even is this guy?

"Okay." I said because I didn't know what else to say.

"I am Harry Styles." He said bringing out his hand.

"I am Iris." I said as I shook his hand lightly.

"I know." I heard him.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I said pleasure meeting you." He said loudly. Maybe I heard it wrong.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Styles." I said.

His smile feel off his face and he looked offended? Why? Oh no. Why does this keeps happening?

"I am sorry?" I ask unsure.

"What do you mean Mr. Styles. Do I look old?" He asked. And he genuinely looked sad.

"No you don't. It's just that I didn't know you." I say.

"Call me Harry. I am just 20." 

"Oh I am 19." I don't know why I said that.

We kept walking and I kept looking at him. His face, his name. Everything screamed something to me but I couldn't make out what. When we our reached neighborhood, we had to part our ways.

"Nice walking. I live there. See you." He pointed to the street across my place. He turned around and something hit me.

"Hey Harry!" I shouted.

"Yep." He smiled cheekily.

"Are you the same Harry Styles who broke my doll in the park?" I ask.

"It's time you remember me Iris Stark." He said and winked at me. He jogged at the other side and shouted." And like I said back then, it was an accident."

He disappeared then and I started to walk towards my house. Somehow I found myself smiling.


Thank you for reading. Hope you will like it. comments and thoughts are always welcomed, please support me,

- love always.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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