Chapter 1

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"It's been five years since what happened on the pier. Five long years. I don't know how managed to get this far in my life. After she was defeated and Terri was. . . Gone, I had no idea what to do with myself. I devoted everything I had to my family. To work," I spoke out loud standing tall. I paused for a moment to look at the faces of the young teens before. Teenagers who will never know what I had been through. Or the blood shed I have seen. "It took me five long years to pull soul from the darkness I created for myself, to truly live again. I had nearly let what the Genocide had done destroy me even after she was long gone."

I took another pause again as I closed my eyes. I could see her. I could see her face. Her crazy eyes, her wicked smile. I could feel her hands grab my throat. I could see her in the back of my mind hanging Terri all those years ago back and Carrie's cottage. I could even see myself as I took my revenge. Bringing my knife down on her again and again.

(Like the savage you are.)

"I am here today to tell you young men and women that if you ever find yourself in a dark place that you must find the light, never give up," I can feel my voice beginning to crack as I continue my speech, no longer going by the cards in my hand. "If someone like me can find my out of the darkness, then so can the rest of you."

I put down the cards and look down at my hands. I can hear the sounds of hundreds of hands clapping and whooping and cheering me on. But all of a sudden the slowly fade until I can't hear them anymore. I look up not to the see the students but the old woods.

(Right by Carrie's Creek)

I see my hanging sister, my hands stained with blood as I stood over the person I hated most. I felt guilt. I felt no pleasure. I felt no pain. I felt nothing. I didn't care that I took the life of another. I should've but I didn't. I shouldn't have felt relived but I did. I shouldn't have let my animalistic instinct take over, but I did. And I didn't fight it either.

I blink and I'm on the stage once more. People are still clapping and cheering me on. I smile and wave as I make my way off the stage.

(This is such bullshit)

I'm stopped by a young boy. About fifteen or so. He has copper colored hair, and dark brown eyes and pale skin. He smiles kindly at me.

"Hello Ms. Walker. I'm Ivan," he says as he raises offers me his hand. I gladly take it and shake his hand. "I'm a big fan."

"Well that's nice to hear," I reply with a smile gracing my features. "Pleasure meeting you."

"You kiddin'? The pleasures all mine!" He exclaimed before suddenly dropping his smile. "Your story got me through some pretty hard times. I was struggling a lot with a bunch of bad stuff, but you really helped me. I just wanted to thank you."

(You don't deserve this.)

"I'm so glad I could help you," I replied trying hard to keep my voice steady. "I really am."

He smiled one last time before saying our goodbyes and heading off his own way. I watched until he disappeared into the crowd.

(Poor kid's delusional.)

Shut up.


"So how did it go?" I heard my mom asked over the phone.

"It went great mom," I answered taking a slight odd pause as I locked the door to my apartment. "I really - uh - connected with the people there."

"That lovely sweetheart but," There was a slight uncomfortable pause. "When are you going to come home? It's almost Christmas for Christ's sake! And I know it's been years since, those events, but that's all the more reason to keep close. Beside your father, Peter, and I miss you. Please, come home."

"Don't worry mom. I'll be there," I reply after a small moment of consideration. "Anyway, I gotta go get ready for bed. Tomorrow we'll work something out."

"Ok bye. Love you."

"Love you too mom."

I end the call and get up to go brush my teeth. Once I'm done I bed down to rinse my mouth. When I stand up right again I see it. I see her.


Right behind me is an all to familiar mask. I whirl around immediately only to be greeted by the shower curtains. I turn back to the sink and rinse my face and looked back at the mirror.

She was still there.

But when I turned the bitch was gone. My heart felt like it was going to explode I had get out of there.

I ran to my room slamming and locking the door. I grabbed the sides of my head as tears gathered at the sides of my eyes and a sob left my mouth. The I grabbed the small hand mirror laying on my nightstand.

I looked and she was still there.

Suddenly overcome with uncontrollable anger I smashed the mirror on the ground. I cried out in fear and frustration as a few shards o glass cut my legs and hands. But I did t care.

Why is she here? Why do I see her?

I sobbed and sobbed for hours in the corner of my room. Why? Why me? Why now? It's been five goddamned years and I'm still not over this?!


(Cause you were never over it to begin with.)

Shook the thought away as I looked at the small cuts on my shins and feet and hands.

"I really am a fool huh? To think, to dream, that I was over this," I thought back to Ivan. That poor boy idolized a fraud. "I'm so-"

(Fucked up.)

Suddenly I heard a faint ringing noise coming from my bed. I got up and carefully walked my way to my bed, as to not step on glass. It was my phone getting a new call. It was from Unknown Caller.

Oh God. What do I do?

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