Hello viewer... I don't know what lead you to my page. Maybe my profile pic, or name caught your eye. Maybe my book title's caught your attention. Well... whatever brought you here, here's somethings to no about me.

I LOVE scary movies. But only the classics like Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, SAW,Halloween, and Scream.

I am also in LOVE with youtube and my three favorite youtubers. Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie, and Markiplier. I am obsessed with their videos and the games they play. (Anyone who's a fan understands. Am I right?)

Also I WON'T judge you because of gender, race, or religion. Anyone is welcome here, ;D.

Well... That's all there is about me. I hope you enjoy the stories I have to present.
  • InscritJanuary 13, 2016

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Genocide3321 Genocide3321 Aug 14, 2017 01:28AM
Genocide Returns is finally published. Now up to the second chapter!
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Histoires par Genocide3321
GENOCIDE par Genocide3321
Amanda is moving. She is utterly heartbroken. But as when she moves she discovers how dangerous her new neigh...
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Genocide's Return par Genocide3321
Genocide's Return
Amanda is now twenty-one years old and living on her own after the horrific things things the Genocide has pu...
ranking #6 dans la catégorie psychologicaltorture Voir tous les classements
Horror House par Genocide3321
Horror House
What happens when the greatest horror icons all live together under the same roof? Well I'll tell you. Armage...
ranking #811 dans la catégorie house Voir tous les classements
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