Chapter 18

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Warning: There will rude and 'bad' words in this chapter. You have been warned!

I winced and Daryl picked me up and pulled me out if the car, my thigh was burning. With every step he took the worse the burning would get, all I wanted to do was scream. But fortunately I'm a Dixon, I just have to suck it up.

"What happened?" Rick asked as we walked into the cell block.

"Hershel" Daryl said ignoring Rick completely and laid me down on my bed. Hershel soon came limping in, not asking questions but getting to work. He shooed everyone away, he even made Daryl leave. "This is gonna hurt" Hershel said to me. I scrunched the top of my shirt up and stuffed it in my mouth and bit down. I winced as Hershel put his hand around the arrow. When he pulled it out I screamed, my shirt observing most of it.

He pushed down on the wound and then pulled out some alcohol. He looked at me with pity and then poured it on my leg. This was worse than the first part.

I screamed a lot louder and squeezed my eyes shut to stop myself from crying. After a few deep breaths I opened my eyes I saw him holding a needle and thread. My eyes widened and I moved away from him the best I could, whimpering as the pain shit through my thigh again.

"Daryl" Hershel yelled. Daryl walked into the room and looked at me and then at Hershel. "You need to hold her down or I can't stitch her up" he said. Daryl nodded and pushed me down into the mattress so I couldn't move.

I couldn't see as the needle went through my skin so it made it worse that I couldn't brace for the pain. I've always hated needles, ever since I broke my arm when I was 10. I was climbing a tree in the woods, getting ready for a cold night when my foot had slipped off the branch and I lost my grip on the branch I was holding.

I put my old shirt back in my mouth as I tried not to scream. My instincts were making me squirm and thrash around as much as I could.

"Rick!" Hershel yelled. Rick soon walked in the room looking confused, but then he saw me struggling and held my legs down so now it was completely impossible to move.

I screamed again when he started to stitch my wound up, I tried to stop any tears but one managed to slip my eye and rolled down my cheek. The pain was getting unbearable and I could feel my eye lids becoming heaving until eventually the darkness surrounded me.


"Is she going to be okay?" I heard the unmistakable voice of Carl

"She just needs some rest and to keep off her feet. She'll be okay" I heard Hershel's voice and then the sound of his crutches getting softer as he hopped away.

My leg was killing me, did I really pass out? I moved around slightly to her comfortable but ended up falling off the small bunk. I groaned before slowly moving into a sitting position.

"Minx!" I heard Carl say before he came up behind me and pulled me onto the bed with ease. Uh oh, alone with Carl, this isn't going to end well. "Are you okay?"

"Are you shitting me?" I spat. "I just got fucking shot in the leg with an arrow, and that is after I got bloody beat with a baseball bat. So no, I'm NOT okay!" I hissed and moved away from him and got to a standing position, my bad leg elevated off the floor.

I started to hop out of the cell and towards the eating area. When I got there everyone's eyes were on me. When I glared at them they turned there head back to the food that was in front of him.

"Minx" I heard Ricks voice from behind me. His hand touched my shoulder and I quickly shrugged it off.

"Don't! Just don't...." I said and hopped over to one of the empty tables and sat myself down.

I moved my rough and sore hand and rubbed them over my eyes, trying to make my tiredness go away. A bowl of rice was placed in front of me and I looked up to see carols caring eyes. I nodded in appreciation before I started slowly eating the small portion of food.

When someone sat next to me, I turned my head to tell them to find someone else to hassle when I saw that it was Glenn. I offered him a small smile which he returned.

"I placed your bag under the bunk in your cell." he said as his smile faded and he got up and walked away. I knew it was hurting him to know he was lying to people, but what else could I do?

Soon someone else sat in front of me and my eyes looked up to see Daryl's. I gave him a weak smile but he didn't return it. He had a pained expressing on his face, I knew he was blaming himself for everything that has ever happened to me.

"Daryl" I said softly. "I'm okay" I lied to him, but I wanted him to stop blaming himself. For Merle, for all the cruel things that our father did, for mum....

The list could keep going."Please, just stop blaming yourself." I said. When he didn't reply I stood up, wincing slightly at my sudden movement and hopped around to his side of the table. my rough hand wrapped around him wrist, well tried, I have really small hands, and pulled him. He got to his feet and followed me as I hopped outside to the courtyard.

I stopped when we were down in the field. We didn't speak, just stared out at all the walkers.

My hand wrapped around the small locket that was around my neck. I slowly un clipped it and held it in my hands. "Do you remember that time we were at the small shop we used to go to, and that jock was tryin to start a fight with you?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Do you remember what I did?" I asked with a small smile. When he didn't reply I kept going. "I picked up a can of beans and threw it at him. Lucky for him I missed, and it hit you, right on the nose" I said with a small laugh. When my gaze moved to Daryl's, I saw a smile on his face.

"My point is Daryl, accidents happen, people muck up. please, don't blame yourself." I said and placed the locket in his hand before hopping away.

When I was about to open the door to the prison I stopped. Daryl does need to stop blaming himself, but I also have to stop pushing people away. And that's what I'm gonna do.

Hey, long time no update. so, what do you guys think is in the locket. Tell me in the comments. And this was written on my iPod because my computer hasn't been working properly, just thought I'd let you know.

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-Zombies Out!!!

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