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You've lived on Innistrad for quite a while, in a small cozy house in your town. You weren't exactly rich, but you had just enough to get by for the most part. You made money in the best way that you could.

You seemed very normal, but deep down you were anything but that. In truth, the small town you were in bored you to no end. Sure you would here exciting news from the other towns once and a while about a wolf attack or about mysterious shadow figures, but none of that chaos ever came to where you lived.

You had considered moving several times already. If it wasn't for your stable house and income you already would have.

That night, you sighed to yourself as you went to sleep. You knew you didn't have much to look forward to in the morning.

Suddenly, you found yourself in a large stone room. There were two chairs and an elegant looking table, but aside from them and a few odd carvings or two and a statue, the room was almost empty. Or so it seemed until the statue suddenly stepped forward and you realized that it was a person.

The figure looked familiar. It appeared to be a hooded woman with the key characteristics of wings and a few tentacles sprouting from her back that marked her as something other than human.

Her description seemed to mach what you had heard of the goddess Emeria that some of the other townspeople mentioned in passing. She wasn't worshiped heavily in your town in particular though. If she was it might have made things more interesting.

The figure tilted her head and stared at you with what you could only describe as a confused look. "You can hear me?" Her voice seemed to convey the same sense of being puzzled.

You raised an eyebrow at her "Yes...? Why wouldn't I be able to?"

"Not many have the mental capacity to understand me." The figure shrugged "I will admit it gets very boring when no one can listen."

You paused for a moment to take in what the figure was saying.

"So you're.....bored?"

The figure shrugged. "Very. While I am capable of very much, it can get.....lonely as you would probably put it. If every being you meet is nothing more than a doll that you can move, nothing really feels alive even if it is on a technical level."

You found yourself stepping closer. So this really was the goddess you had heard so much about. Somehow what she said was relatable. Relatable in a fundamental way. Even if you were not omnipotent, the same lifelessness of your immediate world did follow you.

But this figure, this goddess. She seemed to be the first thing in a while that broke through that. She seemed real.

You two talked for hat seemed like an eternity. She seemed to be curious about you, but would every now and then slip that she knew things about you that she wouldn't have been able to know without reading your mind. When you asked her questions abut herself, she tended to be slightly vague.

At one point, she challenged you to a game of twenty questions. The game seemed to be very one sided however, because while she would pretend to ask questions and not know what you were thinking of, she always did guess right and you could tell she knew the answers from the beginning. You only won about half of the time.

After playing games and talking, you finally got to the thing that had been on your mind since the start of your encounter with her.

"I've been bored too." You told her "This small village has been a prison for me with nothing but grey dreary walls. It's lifeless as well. No one ever does anything. Nothing ever happens. But I can't leave. Im stuck here day after day, going through the motions. It's thoughtless, mindless work that I can't enjoy any longer."

You could have sworn you saw the figure smile, even if it was just a little bit. It was an amused one.

"Interesting. What would you do if someone offered to take you away? To share with you the things that you are lacking in your life?"

You smiled back at her, giving her one of excitement to match her amusement.

"I wouldn't hesitate for a moment."

She put a hand on your shoulder gently. It was neither warm nor cold and it felt odd but good.

"It's been so long since I've had a companion. If you wish to join me, all that you must do is wake up. Wake up and find the first out of the ordinary thing you can find. It will be simple."

The day started out like all of your usual days did. You woke up early, dragging yourself out of bed to go find something to eat.

You absentmindedly stared out the window, expecting another grey and dreary day with a dull stranger or two walking by your window.

Instead, you saw empty streets and a massive wave of purple rolling across the sky. When you looked closer at the wave you could see it was made up of millions of writhing tendrils, feeling their way and charting out new territory over the world and pulsing with the organic feeling of life. Alive. It felt alive.

This was it. This was what you had been waiting for.

You opened the door and stepped outside. One of the tendrils seemed to take notice of you, plunging down from the rest. You stood still with a calm smile on your face. It was calling for you I the back of your mind somehow, you could feel the tug of it mentally even before it wrapped around your waist just as gently as the figure had touched you in your dream.

You stayed perfectly relaxed as it carried you into the sky and away from the prison that was your life.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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