Chapter 11

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Hi everyone, Happy Valentines Day. So here I am with a new chapter, not exactly on Valentines Day, but still technically before it ends. I know you guys were waiting for it and I really hope I didn't disappoint you. This is the first time I'm writing intimate stuff and I know I'm not good or comfortable writing this. But this was important for the story, so I attempted it. Hoping you guys like it. Please let me know. Also included is a new stanza for the title track in the background and I have a feeling it will compensate what I couldn't write. Thanks, and enjoy ShraMan's special night together.

Amidst all the cheering from everyone Shravan moved forward not breaking eye contact with her, taking small steps towards her who was reluctant to the idea of Shravan picking her up in his arms and going up to their room.

But then this is all he wanted, to enter their heaven with holding her in his arms.

He reached to her and still without breaking the eye contact swiftly picked up his life in his arms and slowly moved towards the stairs, without noticing anyone or everyone still watching them.

Every step he was taking, the way he was holding her, the way he was looking at her just spoke love, pure love.

They reached at the top and he pushed the door open still eyes locked with hers and closed the door behind.

We are in, don't you wanna put me down??

He nodded in No.

Are you not hurting?

I can stay like this forever.

I"m not going anywhere, you can put me down now, she said making him smile.

He gently put her down but he was not letting her off yet. Just pulled her back in a hug and closed his eyes to sink in the fact that his Sumo was his for ever now. Sumo was loving being in his embrace as this was her safe haven from all the distractions of life.

They broke the hug after how long they don't remember, that's when she noticed the room which was beautifully decorated with every color of tulips, and candles making it to be the most beautiful sight ever. There at the night stand was a beautiful frame with their Engagement picture, one corner of the room was a small desk for Sumo with a picture of her family.

Shravan!!!! She could only gasp at the sight in front of her.

Do you like it??

I don't have words to say how I feel.

Then don't say anything. Just feel it. I want to give you everything you ever wished for. I have another surprise for you.

I have one too.

You go first said Shravan

No you go. I always mess it up, so this time you go first.

OK you sit here, he said making her sit on the bed comfortably with her back towards the headboard. He then opened a big Fedex package and got a small wooden chest out of it and got it to the bed.

What is it??

Treasure Box, My treasure that I collected over the years remembering you.

But......she stopped

I know I hated you, a lot but couldn't stop myself from thinking about you. Many a times I did things related to you inherently, as if it was my second nature to think about you.

She opened the box and picked up a souvenir of Big Ben with Sumo engraved on it, she found two tickets with it.

Wow!!! It's beautiful Shravan.

Channa Mereya - A ShraMan FFWhere stories live. Discover now