Chapter 2: Housework

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Nine Months and 29 Days ago...

Naruto was dreaming of an angel...

It was a dream that he had many times...

The angel's form changed a lot throughout the years. It started as a small girl in winter clothes, then moved on to become a teen in a beige jacket and eventually became a grown woman in a purple jumpsuit. But two things remained consistent: her black hair (which grew longer as time passed), and her soft gentle voice, always calling out his name like he was the most precious person in the world.

Naruto could never quite make out the angel's features in his dreams. Or rather, he couldn't remember them clearly when he woke up. But the sight of the angel always made his heart fill with joy. It made his entire being warm.

It felt as if... she was always looking out for him... Always taking care of him...

He adored that angel!

He was so excited to see her again!


"My angel..."

The angel was holding a bowl full of Ramen in front of her. It looked so tasty! Its mere smell made his mouth water with anticipation.

He saw the angel inch closer to him with the bowl on one hand and a pair of chopsticks on the other.

"Let me feed you again, Naruto-kun..."

'Again'? What was that supposed to mean?

This was driving him crazy! Was the angel someone he knew in real life? He needed to see her clearly! To have a clear image to remember when he woke up!

Alas, he couldn't take his focus off of the ramen bowl. She watched the angel stir it with her chopsticks, and take out a generous serving.

"Here! Have a taste!"

No! He needed to resist the temptation of ramen! He needed to focus on the angel! To see her! To recognize her features!

It took all his willpower to raise his eyes from the ramen bowl but he eventually did it. He began to look past it and take the angel's features in. Her eyes were now beginning to form in front of him. They were white with a hint of lavender...

He began to hear a faint noise in the background. Like a door knocking loudly.

He ignored it. He wanted to look at the angel and eat her ramen!

"Oi! Naruto! Wake up!"

Come on! Just a little bit more!

He felt a slight tap on his shoulder. Who could it be?

He turned around and came face to face...

...with the pink-haired demon! The hellspawn that tortured him in his dreams! She was wearing red clothes and an oni-mask that covered the entirety of her forehead. Her hoarse and gruff voice was the stuff nightmares were made of.

"No, please! Go away! I want to stay with my angel!"

"They told you to wake up! SHANAROOOOOO!

The final thing he saw before waking up was a chakra-enhanced fist travel towards him at five times the speed of sound...



Naruto woke up with his face on the floor, drooling all over his black cat-shaped cap.

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