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All of us sat without saying anything and stare at each other waiting who will make the first move. We been like this more than 5 minutes already. I don't know how much time I've sigh when finally yoongi make his move, smirks appear on my lips a little and hoping he will do it, but I think I put my hope to high when he just put his head on his hands and take a nap.

I look over jin and saw him sigh in disappointed too, after a few minutes have passed finally tae start to make a move too. All of our head look at his direction. But again hopes tooooo high when tae start to play with his spoon.

"Look at those. When the times come you will finally swim. "

He said in a low voice but because of the quietness all of us can heard it and because of tae's behavior namjoon just shake his head before look straight again.


Hoseok yells make all of us slightly jump, while tae accidentally throw his spoon and hit yoongi's head since they sat face to face. He gasp when he saw yoongi's dead-looking-eyes and his face become white totally white.

"Hyung!!! Mianhaeyo!!!! I didn't mean it!!! "

"You..... Die..... Today... "

Yoongi said and slowly get up from his seat. With a flash tae gone from his seat too and that's make yoongi run after him. I can't help but burst into laughing along with others.

"You will SURVIVE!! "

Jimin yells.

"Yeah you can't DIE IT NO NOT TODAY!!!! "

I yell too then look at jimin at the same time jimin look at me too and both of us nod before run to get a better view.

"Hajima!!! You can't run!!! You guys might brake something!!! "

We can heard jin's voice but it fads when we run far and far from the dinning room.

When we finally spot them, we saw tae tries to protect himself with an umbrella while yoongi tries to cut him to pieces with a chainsaw.

"Wait where did he got that? "

I ask jimin excitedly.

"Omo!! I don't know!!! "

Jimin looks shock but soon cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing when he look at tae's face.


Tae didn't stop apologize but being ignore by yoongi while he start to on the chainsaw.

"We need popcorn you know!"

Jimin whispered at me.

"What the f***!!! Waitt!! "

We heard namjoon yells make all of us stop and look at him.

"What now? "

Yoongi asks lazily. Without any word namjoon walk to tae.

"This wouldn't protect you. "

Namjoon said while take the umbrella, when he tries to close the umbrella and with a little touch it brake and can't be use anymore.

"Opss. "

Namjoon said while looking at tae with a trouble smile.

"Hyung!!! "

Tae whine while yoongi start to show his evil smile and lift his chainsaw up.

"What the!!! Stop it yoongi!!! "

Yoongi groan and stop the chainsaw before look at jin's way with his lazy look.

"Hyung you know we are at the middle of something important."

Yoongi said while me and jimin nod at the other side and give them thumb up.

"Where did you got that?! "

Jin still with his disbelief look at yoongi, lazily yoongi look at his hand that hold the chainsaw.

"Urm I think on the way here I don't remember actually. I just grab it without thinking. "

He said while hold it much higher.

"P-put that down yoongi!! "

Jin said with another sigh yoongi drop the chainsaw that make tae curl even more at the corner.

"Hyung!!! You are my hero!! "

Tae cheers at the corner still his eyes fix at the censor.

"*sigh* now ALL of you go to dinning room now. "

Jin said.

"What it over already? "

I said in disappointed before run to the dinning room because of jin's dead glare.

When all of us already at the dinning room all of our mouth hang open.

"What happened to the food??? "

Jin asks make two of the boys in front of us choke.

"J-jin hyung!! "

Hoseok tries to catch back his breath.

"It h-hoseok hyung's idea!!! I swear!! I tried to stop him!! "

Jungkook said in between his cough while tries to grab the water but end up fighting with hoseok because they are taking the same glass.

"Well both of you need to make us food now. "

Jimin said.

~time skip~

"Mian. "

"No. "

"Mian. "

"No. "

"Come on!!! (Y/n)! How can you forgive us? "

Jimin said in frustrated.

"First it (y/n)-shi with shi second no one ever come to my house since you know where it is third you make fun of me because of my weight. So you say how can I forgive you? "

I said and crossed my arms.

"Why do we need to be formal? "

Jungkook said and raise his eyebrows.

"We are stranger how can we call each other comfortably jungkook-shi? "

After those words slip out from my mouth they show a disappointed-look.


Once again hoseok yell without any warned. Out of nowhere flying pillow hit perfectly at heseok's face.

"You should be lucky it pillow. "

Yoongi said while yawning make all of us hold our laugh.

"So what is your plan? "

Yoongi asks.

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