Chap 2: His House

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Do i talk too much lmao

Time skip to arriving at Brad's house. (Around 7am)

We arrived after about 15 minutes of happily catching up with each other since it's our first time meeting. Soon enough we arrived and I was very tired.
"We're here, M'lady." He said, again, tipping his hat. I smiled at him and walked in. I was so tired that I walked in, laid on the couch and slept

"Shen?" I nudged her on the shoulder to see if she was still awake. Jet-lag amirite? I carefully carried her onto my hands and carried her in my room. I rubber her cheeks and kissed her

Time skip to at 3pm (when shen woke up)

I woke up and looked around. Where am I? Oh Brad's room? I yawned and stood up, half-awake I approached to what seems like the living room. I saw Brad on his computer watching one of his own videos.
"Hey," I said to him in a soft, sleepy voice. I walked towards him and sat beside him.
"Awake already?" He said turning his head to me. I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder, joining him to watch his new video.

As Shen placed her head onto my shoulder, my face started turning red for no reason. I wanted to kiss her so bad, yet I don't know whether she actually likes me or not. I could feel her breath and her head moving around to find the most comfortable position as I scrolled through the comments. I decided that why not do a live stream right now?
"Can i do a live stream right now?"
"Sure," she answered.
I started a live stream with the title 'Shen's in Aus!' And 400+ people immediately joined. Shen peeked her head to see the chats and Elliot (Muselk), Sean (Tyrodin) and Bazza were in the chat. Then Elliot decided to call me with Sean and Bazza.
"Hey Brad!" Elliot said, I could sense a smirk.
"Y-yeah?" I replied, getting all nervous for a second there.
"Have you guys kissed?" Elliot said, with Sean and Bazz laughing in the background.
"W-what?! *cough* She just got here a f-few hours ago!" I said getting all red.
"Well you guys better soon!" Bazz added making me more red. The chats started blowing up and Shen started chuckling with them.
"Why don't we do it right now, Bradie-chan." Shen said in her hentai voice.
"S-shen!" I shouted getting even more flustered than ever. They all started laughing all together and I was getting so triggered.

Brad was very flustered by what his friends, and Shen were doing. They were all laughing and the chats were blowing up when Brad pushed his lips onto Shen's. Everyone in the chat started freaking out, so were his friends. Shen turned so red and Brad wasn't stopping. He took a grip of Shen's head and kissed her even deeper. Shen didn't resist and kissed him back.
"Well, that was unexpected." Sean said, after them kissing for about 2 minutes.
"And that was the longest most solid kiss I've ever watched." Bazza added, "Through a live stream."
Brad and Shen reddened again to the realization that they were still streaming and there were about 1000 people watching. His three friends started laughing again at him being so easily triggered. He stood up and went straight into his room.

Ugh! Why am I so easy to trigger?!
He stomped off into his room, being flustered, yet mad, yet scared, not knowing whether Shen even liked him or not. He was scared that Shen wouldn't like him after this and that she might as well hate him for putting in on a live stream. He covered his who face with his pillow and started to scream, with the pillow blocking off his voice (BLOCKING THEM OFF- mei// lol i always think of that when i hear the word block)

hey again! So after a while i have come to the realization that I suck at writing, and yeah but im doing this for fun, and pls tell me if i talk to much :)) bye!

Word Count: 661 (im trying to write at least 600+ each chap and upload at least one chap/2 days)

The Story of Two Lovers // Zylpai ❤️Where stories live. Discover now