Chapter One

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I tapped my fingers continulessly on the table and lip sinced to the song playing through my earphones as i paid absolutely no attention to the teacher instructing the math lesson.

I jumped slightly when two wrinkled hands slammed down on my desk. "Ya? What can I do for you?" I say, not looking up from my Facebook.

"Miss Albert." Growled out the teacher lowly. "What?" I snapped, making a few kids gasp.

I twirled my long dirty blonde locks around my finger and returned my attention to my phone.

I shot up when my phone was plucked out of my hands. I flung my fist into my teachers nose. He stumbled back, clutching his nose with blood dripping through his fingers. I grabbed my phone and bolted out of the class just as the bell went, hordes of students poured out of their classes.

I ran to the lunch room and threw myself down at my table without grabbing any food first.

Soon every kid in school was in the room. I threw my hoodie over my head and played colour switch on my phone.


The room immediately shut up and turned to me. I looked up and giggled when I saw mr Malson with a bloodstained and crooked nose. "Yup?" I toss my hood off and stand up, shoving my hands in my pockets along with my phone and ear pieces.
"It is not okay to break a teachers nose! Now come with me!" "It is not okay to take a students personal property without their consent." I snarled back.

He was silent.

"Detention." He whispered.

What the hell made him so quiet?



Pulling back and breathing out slightly i pushed forward and pressed my lips to the guys again.

I pulled out and whispered in his ear.

"Wanna move to the bedroom?" I murmmer. He nods and leads me up.

We enter the first room we see, the... laundry?

He pressed me against the washing machine and begins dragging his hands under my clothing. I break the kiss and pull his shirt off, he does the same t me....

W-wow. He has a fucking defined freakin six pack! Seen better but...

He pushes my skirt up and traces my underwear line. I pull his fly down and pull his jeans down a bit. He, fuck. I don't even know his name! Anyway, he pulled my underwear down and starts.


I run my hands over my shirt to smooth it out. I exit the party and walk towards my house. When it comes into view there is a familiar car in my drive.

My heart races as i begin to speed up.

Let me explain.

Me, Abbie Albert. The school bad girl, slut, whore whatever.

Lucas, Lucas Melvin. The school bad boy, man whore, ladies man.

Me, long black hair that reaches my waist, brown eyes, slim figure usually hidden by a hoodie and skinny jeans, at a party... short short skirt or shorts, a crop top that shoved my C cup boobs up.

Lucas, brown hair just covering the tips of his ears, sparkling deep brown eyes, rocking body usually exposed by a tight fitting shirt and jeans.

Me, prefers to sit away in my black room in my black hoodie on my black bed scrolling through Netflix on my black laptop.

Lucas, is notorious for his passion for surfing and horse riding. He is mostly seen at the beach or a park.

Me, massive crush.

Lucas, doesn't know i exist.

Not true, hes my lab partner, but ya know...

I hurry through my front door before jerking to a stop.


Im dressed like a prostitute.

I make a turn into the bathroom where i throw on some old body fitting skinny jeans, and an old grey shirt. I brushed my hair and teeth before reapplying my mascara and eyeliner.

I nod in satisfaction at ny look and exit the room. I turn into the lounge to see Lucas and my mother chatting. "Abbie! Darling. Lucas here, has been asked to tutor you."



The love of my life was going to tutor me.

"Now. Who was hitler?" Lucas asked me.

"Hitler....Hitler....Oh! Him. Hitler was an over reacting dodo head that thought he could control everything and everyone." I say.


"So..." i trailed off.

"So?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

Fuck! Im usually so good at this! Asking people out. Wait... they usually ask me out...

"You want to ask me out?" Lucas smirked.

Shit. Said it outloud.

"Yeah. You did say it outloud." He chuckled.

Can't ask him now! Fuck. Im such a ugly fat mother-

My thoughts were cut off when Lucas pushed forward and kissed me.


I walk down the hall and up to Lucas's locker and kissed him, in which he gladly kissed back, wrapping his hands around my waist. I put my hands around his neck to deepen the kiss.

I pulled back and smiled. "Hey." I whisper. "Hey." He smiles back.

Let me explain.

Last night after Lucas and i kissed, I explained everything. He told me he liked me too but was too afraid to ask me anything.

We ended up ditching the school books and walking down to the local park, at 2 in the morning, and continued making out. We never went past that.

On lookers started whispering as we walked hand in hand down the hall. Girls shot Lucas flirty looks, which he ignored, but i sent them a smug look.

I leaned against Lucas for support as the bus chugged forward and out of town.

I wasn't excited. I mean, we were going to a horse farm. To learn more. I hated them. They were smelly and gross. Even though my aunty owned like a huge ranch.... i had never been.

Lucas... he was ecstatic. He knew how to ride a horse, and im pretty sure the farm we were going to held his horse.

We turned down a dusty drive, horses filled the paddocks. A black and brown one where running with each other. It was actually pretty.

The bus jerks to a stop and students pile out. I stay seated with my arms crossed.

"Come on, Babe." Lucas chuckles. "It will be fine. You can ride Sparks and i will ride SW." "SW?" I raise an eyebrow. "Student Welfare." Lucas explains. "Oh."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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