Liam & Lia

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Lia's p.o.v ~~~


"come on guys we got to practice" I whined impatiently to the girls.

the cheographer was trying to teach us some dances for when we perform,but at the moment he was getting extreamly fustrated with us.

"Girls come on we have to practice!" tom the cheographer yelled

I tried helping him out but it was kinda no use at this point.

'if I can't stop them,join them' i thought as I began fooling around with the girls.

Harriet was on the floor while Louise was pretending to surf on her.Zayla was calling me for help while running around with Nalia

Zayla pulled my arm making me run around with her and Nalia.

"I can't do this,you girls are worse them the boys!" Tom said grabbing his stuff and beginning to walk out the door.Tom opened the door to see the boys.

"They're worst then you" I heard I'm say to the boy before walking past them.

"what did you do t-....nevermind" Liam said clearly seeing what tom was talking about.

"Hey!" we yelled together.

I stopped what I was doing and went to stand next to Liam

"I tried to stop them...kinda ended up joing them" I told him softly earning a laugh from Liam.

"Liam,Lia come on!" Louise and Louis yelled holding eachothers hand.

Liam grabbed my hand making me blush a deep rose color and pulled me with the others.

'stop blushing,stop blushing,control the blush' I repeated over and over.

sorry for the shortness and late update my friend came over and we were watching Hannah thing I know its 1:30 A.m.

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