Chapter 1

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"Mother!" I let out a sigh. "Mother!" This ball to find a suitor for me was proving to be a lot more work than I was hoping it'd be. "Everything is wrong, Mother! It is all wrong! Why are my tablecloths cream? I specifically asked for tablecloths that are as white as Himalayan snow!"

My mother turned around to address me, "Calm down, sweetheart. The tablecloths look absolutely fine the way they are."

"I can't believe you'd think that, Mother! This is supposed to be the party where I find my prince to-be, and everything has to be absolutely perfect if I'm to find the right suitor. Cream Tablecloths simply won't do!" I said, stomping my foot and crossing my arms.

My mother gave me a small glare and said, "Serena, the tables are already set and ready for the party. They look great, so let's not trouble the service anymore than necessary."

"Mother, I'm the future queen. I'm sure the service won't mind helping me find the perfect future king to help rule their country." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, well, seeing as I am the current queen," she said as she stepped towards me, "not to mention that I am your mother, I'm telling you that such a minute detail as the shade of white of the tablecloths is nowhere near important enough to bother the service anymore than necessary, and that you should just leave it be." She stopped right in front of me and put a strand of my hair behind ear. She leaned in close enough for me to smell the sweet perfume she always wore and whispered, "Don't mistake royalty as having the privilege to do whatever you please. Respect and power are two things you must earn from the people, not something you are merely entitled to." She gave me a soft smile before turning to exit the banquet hall.

Needless to say, I promptly found the chief staff in charge of set up for the dance and addressed my issues with him about the tablecloths. Everything tonight was going to be perfect. Nothing was going to ruin my party, especially not the wrong color of tablecloths.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After my exhausting session of directing the servants around and making sure my dance would be absolutely perfect, I met with my childhood friend, Ava, to catch up on the latest royal gossip and get a much-needed spa break.

"I don't know, Serena. Don't you think your mother had a point? I mean, they're only tablecloths after all. Not to mention the fact that they were pretty much white," she said before turning over for the masseuse. "You didn't need to make the servants change all of the tablecloths. I mean, how different could they have been?"

I scoffed, "They were cream, Ava! There is a gigantic difference between cream and white! Anyways, aren't you supposed to be on my side? You are my best friend, after all."

She sighed and turned her head to face me, "Serena, I know I've been your best friend since birth, but that doesn't mean that I agree with everything you think or do. I think you're overreacting right now."

"Really? You think that I'm overreacting? Wow! Some best friend you turn out to be!"

"Alright, that's enough!" she said, stepping down from the masseuse table. "I don't know if you noticed this, Serena, but I'm kind of your only friend!"

I laughed and said, "What are you talking about? I have plenty of friends. Everyone loves me. Let's face it, who wouldn't"

"And that, my friend, is why no one likes you," she said, crossing her arms. "You look down upon everyone and make it seems like you're some sort of goddess. If you want my honest opinion as your best friend, I think you need to stop being so stuck up and spoiled, or pretty soon you won't have any friends at all." She walked passed me towards the exit.


"Just stop it, Serena," she interrupted. "I care about you a lot, but you can act like a real bitch sometimes. I hope you think about this at least a little. I'll see you tomorrow night at the dance," she said before shoving her way past the set of authentic Victorian doors.

That really stung. I could handle scolding from my mother, but I'd never expect this from my best friend. What a bitch.

***Author's Note***

Thank you for reading my story, everyone! This is a little story I'm working on for my creative writing class, so I hope that you enjoy it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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