[1]; boys

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Leeteuk invite Yunho, Changmin, Heechul, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun to the group

Yunho joined the group
Donghae joined the group
Kyuhyun joined the group
Changmin joined the group
Kangin joined the group
Heechul joined the group
Siwon joined the group
Ryeowook joined the group
Yesung joined the group
Shindong joined the group
Sungmin joined the group

Kyuhyun: Grup apaan neh hyung?

Changmin: ^2

Kyuhyun: Eh ada elu min

Changmin: Eh ada elu pil

Kangin: Elaaah ni setan 2 brisik amatdah.

Ryeowook: Grup apa ini iteuk hyung?

Leeteuk: Ini grup untuk silaturahmi sodara2 sekalian. Kita kan jarang kumpul2 brg nih, banyak yg wamil sm hiatus:')

Donghae: Bener ugha:")

Yunho: Huffft syedih:")

Yesung: Weeeh udh join semua nih?

Kyuhyun: Gue kaga liat eunhyuk hyung, biasanya dia paling berisik

Siwon: Weeeh iya nih kemana dah ini kembarannya donghae

Donghae: Mitamit

Shindong: Gabole gitu lu hae, gitu2 jg roomate elu dah

Donghae: Nyesel gw dulu roomate-an ama dia, malu2in mulu anjasss

Sungmin: Yee baru sadar dia

Heechul: klian bri6 bgt gnggu tdr w tw g

Yunho: Ngomong apaan dah

Changmin: Hyung plisdeh gunakan eyd yg baik dan benar

Heechul: bd amt.

Leeteuk: Silent bisa kali chul-_-

Eunhyuk joined the group

Kyuhyun: Welkam kembaran donghae hyung^^

Donghae: Njs

Eunhyuk: Haeee kalian, kangen nih😥

Siwon: Najisun hyuk

Ryeowook: Kemana aja lu hyung baru nongol

Eunhyuk: Sori abis berak nih hehe

Kangin: ANJ

Shindong: Jorok najesss

Eunhyuk: Elah lebay bat kalean

Siwon: Leeteuk hyung lu ga asik ah, masa yg diundang laki semua. Bosen bat gw sm mereka lg

Yesung: So whut?

Eunhyuk: Hm sepertinya gw tau maksud terselubung si kuda

Leeteuk: Trus lu maunya gmn?

Siwon: Undang ceweknya juga kek

Eunhyuk: Elah ngomong ae pgn member snsd diundang jg kan lu

Siwon: Si kunyuk tau aje

Leeteuk: Oke, gue undang jg member snsd, tp awas ya lu jgn ngomong macem2

Leeteuk invite Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, Seohyun to the group

Taeyeon joined the group
Hyoyeon joined the group
Sooyoung joined the group
Tiffany joined the group
Seohyun joined the group
Yuri joined the group
Sunny joined the group


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