I Really Hate Y'all

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I really hate y'all fellas. 

I really don't get it there's so much that y'all do that just makes me ask why. 

Y'all make me more confused than a guy trying to figure out what made his baby cry,

trying to understand your motives has escaped even the greatest mind 

and staring too hard into your stupidity can leave onlookers blind in their left eye, 

why the left eye I don't know you make no sense so maybe that's why. 

You will stand in line for days for a pair of sneakers 

you will spend hundreds of dollars to watch a football game in freezing bleachers 

but when asked what your girl's favorite color is you go mute like unplugged speakers 

you won't strike up conversation to learn about women 

everything you know comes from websites like peekers 

and you seem to be confused as to why women don't run around looking like streakers 

see fellas I want to say that somewhere along the line respect for women got lost 

but let's be honest when it comes to respecting women that's a t that never got crossed 

the only concern has ever been to dot our own I 

that's why most women end romantic nights with a sad sigh 

to be honest he was halfway done when she waved hi 

and there's always some BS lie 

"yeah you know it's been a while," "you're in better shape than me I can't even walk a mile" 

stop playing these games being weak is not in style 

I really hate y'all fellas. 

But I guess that's just it right? 

You not allowed to back to your boys with your tail between your legs looking a little blue 

so there's no way you can let this girl say no to you, 

who does think she is she's an uncrossed t and L meant to be rolled just to satisfy you, 

you could give a damn what you're about to put her through 

I mean words are just words you'd survive if you walked a mile in her shoe 

and besides you just call her by a select few: ugly, dumb, unwanted, a dog, 

correct that last one she's a girl so you call her a female dog 

she should obey your command without response because you see things as a monologue 

you have forgotten about her voice and that things should be a dialogue 

you just want something you can flip through like a catalog 

and someone you can control with an analogue 

you view her as property 

something that you own that has no voice that's why you treat her improperly

at first you just said some mean things to her beat her up verbally 

but then she talked back and you had to silence that disrespect hurriedly 

cause if you don't address it now it will come back assuredly 

so you turned her into a punching bag she'll survive. probably...

you took everything from her 

you were supposed to be her number one supporter 

but you were just another saboteur 

looking for a moment of weakness loading her up with liquor 

so that everything would feel like a blur 

left her dizzy and confused she never thought something like this would occur 

so she has no answer when asked "last night do you know where you were?" 

you took her happiness like it was easier than a bank transfer 

quieted the noise of her laughter like a silencer 

looking in the mirror she can no longer recognize herself. 

You see I can't tell her her worth it's not something she can recognize, 

she won't believe in love because all you told her was lies 

if I try to hug her from behind she just cries 

because this action just causes memories of a dark past to arise 

and she thinks that that pain and abuse is supposed to happen like the sunrise 

and stories like hers are more plentiful than rain that drop from cloudy skies 

so many hide this pain behind the disguise of a fake smile and laughs 

I've had to hold one too many people as they cry themselves to sleep 

I've had too many people tell me they can no longer sleep 

too many beautiful voices who feel they can no longer speak 

this epidemic needs to end it is a flood not a tiny leak 

and I can't bite my tongue any more I can't be discrete 

I really hate y'all fellas and If I see you in the street I got knuck if you buck on repeat

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