Chapter 23 Bucky?

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Steve P.O.V.

Steve dashed down the catwalk towards the targeting blade system, but he slowed as Bucky appeared at the end of the catwalk, facing him. Steve's body tensed and his free hand curled into a fist as he said flalty: "People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen."

He stared at the man who'd been his friend, hoping for some change, some flicker of emotion. But Bucky just stared at him coldly, back straight and body poised, ready to attack. Steve swallowed and he shook his head slightly as he begged: "Please, don't make me do this."

But the Winter Soldier still didn't move, only leveling a harsher glare at Steve. His head dipped slightly as though beckoning Steve, and Steve clenched his teeth. His face filled with determination and Bucky cocked his head, waiting. In a flash, Steve threw his shield and Bucky lifted his metal arm, blocking the attack.

The shield went spinning back to Steve, who caught it and raised it just in time to block a bullet as Bucky pulled out a gun and shot him. He blocked another shot and stopped Bucky's punch. He used the opening to throw a punch himself, but Bucky swiftly avoided it before shooting him again.

This time, Steve didn't move quite quickly enough and he winced as one of the bullets grazed his side. But he recovered quickly and after blocking another bullet he whacked Bucky on the head with his shield, sending the man flying backwards.

Bucky dropped his gun as he landed on the ground, but he was quick to get back up, pulling out a knife as he did so. Steve almost groaned as the move reminded him of Arianna's own fighting style, but he quickly focused again as Bucky swiped at him.

Steve blocked the hit, and the consecutive swipe, before he tried to kick Bucky down. Unfortunately, the man countered the blow, blocking his kick with his own foot and using the momentary opening to punch Steve in the face.

Steve quickly lifted his shield as he reeled back from the pain, effectively blocking the next punch. He shoved backwards, throwing the Bucky backwards. As the other man stumbled, Steve quickly ran forward to the targeting blade system, punching in the code to open the chip chamber.

He whirled around as he heard a whooshing sound behind him, blocking Bucky's knife just in time. Bucky swung backwards immediately, but Steve managed to get his shield around in time to block that blow as well. He quickly retaliated, kicking Bucky but the man blocked it with his metal arm.

He then tried to stab Steve, but Steve caught his arm and quickly brought his shield down to try knock the knife out of Bucky's hand. Bucky caught the shield with his left metal arm, just before it could hit his right wrist. The two men struggled against each other, each grunting in exertion as Steve tried to lower the shield while simultaneously avoiding Bucky's blade and Bucky tried to do the exact opposite.

Eventually, Steve broke out of Bucky's grip and swung his shield at the other man, but Bucky dodged the blow. Steve used the opening to kick Bucky, forcing the man back and he ran back to the targeting chips. He pulled one out quickly and reached for their chip in his pocket but Bucky jumped back at him.

Steve was forced to lift his shield to block the punch as Bucky threw his metal fist at the Captain, and the pair once again leaned forward against each other in a battle of strength. Steve shoved Bucky backwards, and as Bucky backed away, conceding, he swiped at Bucky with his shield.

The man dodged the attack, but Steve continued his offensive attacks, swiping his shield and he landed a direct hit on Bucky's metal arm. He hit it again, but Bucky retaliated by throwing another punch with his free arm under the shield. Steve dodged the attack before whacking Bucky in the face with his shield.

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