Chapter 2

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Walking into the school with the strange boy felt weird. Especially with everyone looking at us like we had frogs on our heads. He walked me to my locker and then to my first hour class. I sat in my normal seat in the back of the room in the left corner. My friend Darcy sat the chair next to me to my right and my other friend Gwen sat in the one in front of me. This is where we normally sat and talked in all of our classes.

"So anything you want to tell us?" Gwen turned around in her seat and asked me.

"No? Why? What rumor is going around this time?" Over my lifetime there had been plenty of rumors about me that would float around school.

"That you and the mysterious new kid are dating?" Darcy turned to me and asked.

"WHAT!?" I yelled and the whole class turned to look at me and Gwen snickered.

"No need to yell." Darcy looked at me concerned

"Sorry, but, what!? He literally JUST walked with me to school and was being all creepy and waited at my locker and then took me to class." I tried my hardest not to scream in frustration.

"Sure sounds like you two are dating~" Gwen sang.

"We aren't." I growled.

"Odd. I mean he is pretty cute and all. But of course, he isn't your type." Darcy sighed.

"My type? I don't have a type." I said.

"Yes you do. You don't like bad boys and people like that. You like the smart nerdy looking boys." Gwen smiled.

"Actually, I don't think I've ever seen Red with a boy." Darcy thought.

"Huh, I haven't either." Gwen hummed.

"Red, are you-?" Darcy was cut off.

"Girls! Focus!" The teacher yelled at Darcy, Gwen, and me.

"Sorry ma'am." we all replied in unison. The teacher turned back to the whiteboard and started to teach the class again.

"So, Red, are you?" Gwen turned to me once again.

"Am I what?" I asked.

"You know, l--" Gwen was cut off once again.

"Gwen! Detention and see me after class!" the teacher scolded Gwen.

"Yes ma'am." Gwen mumbled. The teacher watched Gwen and almost stared her down before turning back to the whiteboard to teach the class. Me and Darcy snickered knowing that Gwen was mad and that her parents were going to be really mad at her for getting in trouble. She knew that we were laughing at her getting in trouble so she growled and raised her hand.

"Yes Gwen?" the teacher asked slightly annoyed.

"Darcy and Ruby are distracting me and saying mean things about you." Gwen said in a sad pouty voice.

"Darcy, Ruby. Detention after school today. And see me after class."

"Yes ma'am." Darcy and I groaned. Gwen now snickered and turned to smile at us. The rest of the period went on with us all paying attention and taking notes. When the bell rang we all packed up and went to the teacher's desk waiting for her to scold us and tell us that she was going to talk to our parents about our behavior. The teacher sighed and rubbed her head with her thumb and forefinger in a circular motion.

"Girls, start paying attention in my class."

"Yes ma'am." we all said in unison.

"Alright, your excused. But start paying attention or else you will we staying after class and your parents will be notified ok?"

"Yes ma'am. Thank you ma'am." We all said in unison but very shocked and confused.

"You can leave now." She said and we all walked out of the room confused.

"What was that all about? She never lets anyone leave without a detention." Darcy asked us all.

"Yeah I don't know. That was weird." Gwen responded.

"It looked like she had a headache so maybe she just doesn't want to deal with us after school." I sighed at them not putting two and two together.

"Oh, yeah, of course." Darcy smiled nervously and rubbed the back of her neck. Darcy was used to being the smart one and it must have felt weird having someone else take that place. I smiled and gwen wrapped her arms around mine and Darcy's.

"Come on, let's get to class." Gwen dragged us to our next class, physical ed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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