"It all started with a castle."

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It all started with a castle. That what was the first thing I remember, then I felt rain drops hitting my skin. I remember thinking it would be a good idea to go in to avoid the rain. Now that I look back on it, my stupidity levels were high that night. My mind was all like, Oooo look a dark creepy castle!!!! It must be abandoned that makes it safe! Oh Clara Jean how wrong you were.

When I went over to open the doors, I felt a wave of reluctance wash over me. The closer I got to the castle the heavier my feet felt to pick up. Something was holding me back but in the dream I felt that I had to go inside. There was a force calling to me. I had to go to it.

And I did. Once my hands touched the doors a connection formed. An unbreakable one kind of like the one between a mother and child but much darker and more powerful. Little did I know this bond would be my damnation, every night I would come closer and closer to my doom.

The handle burned my hand as I opened it. I hissed and pulled away. The burn had felt so real. But it didn't matter it was all in my head, it was just a dream after all. Even if it did feel like it was going to leave a mark. I raised my head to look to see beyond the door my vision got hazy- I was waking up. There were shadow like creatures crowding the door whispering incoherent things. I was able to catch bits of their conversation but what I was able to hear I didn't like.

"Master, there's a new o-"

"Finally, I was getting hungry!"

"I call dibs on the right thing!"

"NO! You got it last time!"

"Can you idiots shut up He has to get her ready first..."

"Yes do be quiet, I am starting to get a migraine from hearing your babbling. If you aren't quiet you won't get any of the leftovers."

My gaze wandered to the source of the voice. There was a tall male shape at the end of the hall. Even through my blurry vision I could tell that this mysterious man was handsome. However, as he made his way towards me I saw that his eyes were dark not dark brown but black all over, his demonic eyes ruined his beauty. The shadows parted to make way for him and bowed to his feet as he passed. This must have been the master they talked about.

"Who are you?"

"That, my dear, is none of your concern yet." He raised his head up to the sky then gazed back down at me. "But you'll find out soon enough. We will see each other again."

My vision got hazier and light was hitting my eye lids. I was in my room again, not that I moved or anything but my mind had traveled elsewhere. Remembering the dream was not a hard thing to do. I recalled the burn from the door then. I glanced at my hand and screamed.

There was the burn. And there were words etched into my skin.

Until next time.


I haven't seen the mysterious man again. However, that didn't mean I didn't see the castle. Every night I left off from the night before. No matter how hard I tried to turn back, I couldn't. It didn't help that the shadows kept pulling on me. Their murmurs filled my ears with words that should have made me go away.

"Master will be pleased."

"Come a little closer, we won't bite...not yet."

"I can't wait! It's almost time!"

"Do you think he'll let us drink some of her blood?"

When I was awake, I spent my time researching about this man. The closest thing I came to was a demon. It made sense with the whole black eyes thing but this felt different, he was toying around with me. Demons didn't do that right? They did evil things what he gain from my torture?


No. No. No. NO. NO!

I finished my homework. What the hell am I supposed to do now? I took my shower, brushed my teeth and my hair, changed into my pajamas.

Every night I tried to stop myself from going to sleep, slowly completing everyday tasks to the point where my mom would scold me for being acting like an idiot.

Oh Clara Jean you can read!!

It's a good idea but how can I concentrate on words when that castle constantly invades my thoughts? And wouldn't that make my eyes hurt, eventually I'll go to sleep?

It was 2 am and my eyes were already getting heavy. I started patting my cheeks. Every time I blinked it got harder it open them. My body felt so heavy.

A part of my head shrieked no but the need to sleep to go was so strong. Eventually the exhaustion of staying awake these past few days came hurling back to me.

"Master it's time. She's here."

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