Chapter 2

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As we walked in the building people were staring at us. I felt like really paranoid. "Relax, nothings gonna happen'' He said. He is really cute. I thought. he smirked. ''So you think I'm cute?,Well I think your cute too.'' he said. ''How can you read my mind?'' I asked.

When he didn't answer I left it alone. ''Hey let me get your number .''he said. I handed him my phone and he handed me his phone. I'll text you later'' he said ''ok'

~~~~~~Later after school~~~~~~

*buzz buzz*

Hey cutie; ) its Harry

Hey hazza :-)  watcha up to?

Nothing beautiful hbu


Can I ask u a Q ?

sure haz

Will u be my gf??

sure hon

Kool pick u up before school.

k luv u

luv u to Alli

~~~~~sorry for any spelling mistakes :) hope you liked it! more coming soon



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