The Un-Named Chapter

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Third Person POV (I want to give this a try :P)

A few days later, a large group of friends gathered to put together something special.

"What should we do?" Jason addressed the small crowd of chattering teenagers. "Does anyone have any ideas?"

"It should be a surprise party," Danni suggested. She grinned, her smile so wide you could cram three whole apples in it, metaphorically speaking. "And we need to have a theme."

"How about the theme is a tropical sea-cruise?" Jerome proposed. Bo shook her head. "No, what about Hollywood themed?" She asked.

"Guys," Jason got their attention, eyes gleaming, "How about a gaming theme?" The friends nodded excitedly, each thinking of their own unique ideas for decorations.

I guess that I should tell you, dear reader, what they are planning. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if you guessed it already!

Alyssa's eighteenth birthday is tomorrow, and so her friends and family are scrambling to create the perfect party to celebrate. Jason set his mind to getting a cake, Bo and Fluffy, now known as Jerome because Bo released his secret, went out to buy streamers and balloons, and Adam, well, he had a 'special' surprise that he wanted to give the birthday girl.

Danni and Rose set out to the mall with Alyssa in tow. They were to keep her out of the house for the whole day and the night so that the others could set up for the extravaganza.

Jason's brow furrowed as he surveyed the display cakes behind the smooth glass at the counter. There were a number of interesting designs and flavors, but the one that caught his eye was a two-tiered vanilla cake with a light pink frosting. It was perfectly decorated with white frosting that looked almost like lace as it lined the edges. Simple but beautiful, the cake was absolutely everything Jason had hoped for.

He waved to the man behind the counter, and began to give his order.


Bo and Jerome scoured the aisles of the birthday supply store, searching eagerly through the multi-colored streamers and balloons. "So many to choose from!" Bo commented, picking up a package of fifty Dora shaped balloons. She smirked.

"Do'ya think Alyssa'd like this?" She asked Jerome, chuckling. He turned to look at the label, and burst out laughing. A small child and her mother nearby took a step back, eyeing Jerome warily.

"It's okay," Bo assured them, laughing as well, "He's always been crazy."


"Where are we going, again?" Alyssa asked innocently from the backseat of the car. Rose and Danni exchanged cautious looks, as if to warn each other of being careful with their word choice.

"The mall." Danni replied curtly, tearing her eyes away from Rose to focus on the road. Alyssa, content with their answer, checked Instagram. Rose almost let out a sigh of relief. Alyssa was buying it.

"I need to get some new tops anyway." She informed us. Danni nodded, smirking at her clueless friend. "So do I." She replied.

Rose turned to the backseat. "After we go to the mall, wanna go out to eat and then come stay at my house? We'll stay up until midnight, until your birthday!" She proposed. Excitement filled her eyes. Even if this whole thing was supposed to be an act, they could still have fun!

Alyssa looked up, smiling. "Yeah, sounds great!" She said, "Let me just call Jason-"

"No!" Rose yelled. Alyssa raised an eyebrow, and Danni resisted the urge to facepalm. "I-uh," Rose stuttered, blushing a deep red, "I...I...I already asked him! Yeah, I already asked him." She laughed nervously, playing with her hands.

"Okaaaay..." Alyssa mumbled, looking at Danni for any clues. Danni just shook her head. "She's Rose, of course she already asked Jason. He's her boyfriend."

Rose sank down in her chair, her face as red as a tomato. Alyssa laughed at her embarrassed friend, and couldn't help but think about the fun day they had in store for her.


Kiona walked through the park, surveying the area. She had been sent to find the perfect place to host the birthday party, and so far she had not had any luck. The riverbank in the forest, though scenic, was too muddy, and the soccer players had claimed their territory in the field.

The park is too crowded, she thought, glancing at all of the unfamiliar faces she passed by. We need a place that is more private, preferably someplace with a pretty view.

Then it hit her.


The group finally met up with their supplies. Jason looked over the loot, pleased with what he saw. "Good, good. Now, Kiona, where are we going to set up?" He asked, turning to the girl.

She grinned, the idea swimming around in her head like a fish in its natural habitat. "Y'know that cliff that you and Alyssa used to talk about, the one that you would dive off of and Alyssa would stand with your mom below, watching?" She began. Jason nodded slowly.

"We're going there."



Anyone recognize the cliff? Tell me in the comments.

Hey. Hey you. Yeah, you, the reader. I just want to say, thanks for sticking with this story. I know I've been REALLY slow about updating lately, and I'm sorry. I'm not going to make some petty excuse, either. It's my fault.

I'm sorry. I really am.

Now, tomorrow I want you to do your best in everything you do. Because, if you actually try to be the very best you can be...

You can never go wrong.


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