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This is just another mystery. I am an expert I don't get nervous when it comes to mysteries like this. So why does this time feel different from all the others. I mean sure some spooky stuff went down in that factory up in Stoneycreek but I have investigated way more factories then you would think.

The hair is standing up on the back of my neck, and I have chills running down my spine. This has never happened to me before, and I love solving mysteries. Now in the backseat of Mason's truck I want to scream at him to turn around and drive the other way. If I did that not only would my friends think I was a baby, but I would be letting them down. They rely on me to help them look for clues to solve the mysteries. I can't let them down. But I also don't think I can go in that building.

We pulled up to a big dull gray building with gravel as the driveway and Rope written in white letters written on the side. No smoke came out of the many chimneys. We got out of the car and just stared at it nobody daring to take the fist step. I reached over and grabbed Mason's hand and he squeezed it tightly. He held my hand for a good while and then took the first step toward the factory and everyone else followed.

Inside the factory the floor was made of concrete, and there were wooden crates everywhere. Behind one of the piles of crates was a door labeled Employee Break Room. The door was shut but underneath I thought I saw a shadow like someone was standing there. I grabbed Mason's arm and kept walking.

"Okay guys" Lizzy said. "We should split up. I think we need to cover more ground quicker, because this factory is so big it would take hours to go through it all at once."

"That's a good idea." Mason said.

"Guys I don't know about this." I managed to get out.

"Al we'll be fine." Lizzy said. 

"No I agree with Avery." Cameron said.

"So do I." Mason said. "Cameron and Lizzy you to go together. I will go with Avery."

"Okay so we have a plan. Cameron and I will go upstairs you two stay down here."

Lizzy and Cameron started to go upstairs and I turned to Mason.

"Mason I have a weird feeling about this." I muttered. I had a knot in my stomach and I didn't feel well. A look of confusion crossed his face for a moment. I know what he was thinking. I usually didn't get scared. Even I was surprised that I was nervous. 

"Everything will be fine. This is just another mystery." He said even though I don't think he even believed that. 

"I don't know Mase. I just feel like we should go home and leave this one to be just a mystery." My hands were starting to shake but I held even tighter to Mason's arm so he wouldn't notice. I felt like I was going to through up. 

" We will only stay for a little bit longer." His eyes were darting around the room as if he felt something was there. " I promise nothing will happen. I am going to go check behind those crates and you go check by that desk."

I paused for a moment thinking. "Ok." I finally said. And we went our separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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