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I'm just gonna tell you guys what happened over this.

Okay for the sake of this guys reputation I'm gonna call him Bob. Okay so two months ago Bob send me a dick pic. And ever since he's been sexting me but then he said he wanted to stop. Stop what idk! And then he's confusing because first he send me a dp and second he's sexting me and third he's saying he doesn't like me he likes someone else and now he's not answering me. He's really confusing me. He's been confusing me since forever and I cant cope with it. Its driving me insane. My friend Erin says he likes me if he send me the pic in the first place, but a person has to physically says "hey I like you" for me to believe him. You know how when your in a car and its pouring rain down, you go under a bridge and everything stops. Everything is so peaceful and silent.  Then you finally get out from under the bridge and everything hits you a little harder than before? He is my bridge!  Okay, Makalya (A bitch at my school who bulled my since 2nd grade) asked Bob to our next dance then started  to brag to me over Snapchat! She knows I like him. And he said maybe!!! Like dude. Then she started to call me a hoe  and a bitch and a slut. And at recycling (its an afternoon school thing) she had cheer leading and he was there for recycling with me. So anyways she started to yell at me in front of him. He didn't do shit. Him and I are best friends. It hurt so badly.  so Mr. P (a teacher) had bins we forgot so I brought them. And on my way back they were taking a pic. So I bring the bins back and she whispers "ugly ass hoe" under her breath. I say sorry and keep walking not wanna burst into tears in front of my friends. So I bring the bins back to Mr. Wahlstrom's (a teacher) room. Well I was about to exit to the door next to his room and makalyas there. And the door. Waiting for me. Blocking the way I was gonna leave. Anyways she walks up to me fucking scoffs and whispers something I couldnt even hear. The only word I picked up were "kill yourself". And now, my best friend is in love with him. And she knows I have liked him since 2nd grade. And that's been 6 years now.

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