The Day I Get Strong

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First things first, I'm stealing the name Sambiko from my bleach fan-fic. Ok on with the story

I was sitting in my room, board. I didn't want to go to school but I have to. When I got to school, Rouge saw me and told his friends. I was walking when he punched in the face. I fell. He started betting me up. After a while he stopped and walked away. A girl walked up to me." Hey, I'm Luna, do you need help?" She asked. I shook my head yes. She lifted me up." Dang you strong." I said." Yeah, talking about strong here." She handed me a poster it said." Hey, I'm nastu, I'm holding a training camp, come join." I looked at it for a minute." Ok I'll go." I said." Good, I'll be there. It's after school." I shook my head yes and walked away. After school I saw Luna waving at me to come here. I walked up to her." Get in the car." She said." Ok." I got in the car." Oh, I never introduced my self, I'm Sambiko." I said nicely. She looked at me." Why do you have a glove and one long sleeve but the other is short with no glove?" She asked." Oh, umm, reasons." I said. When we got there, Rouge was there. Him and Nastu were fight, they were both fire wizards. Nastu kicked his ass. Then it was my turn. I was a ice/water wizard. I got in fighting pose." I'm ready." I said. He then throw a punch at me. I dogged it. I'm fast but weak. I punched him." Come on, stronger, that didn't hurt." And then he flame punched me. It burned my shirt, you could see my arm. It had blue spirals all all around it with black hole type things here and there." What is this?" Nastu asked. I was scared." It's umm, a c..curse." I said. He looked at my arm." How do you release it?" He asked." I can't say, my dad will kill me." I said." TELL ME HOW TO RELEASE KNOW!!" Nastu yelled at me." Ok ok, were the little circles are, you burn them." I said. He then burned my arm. The curse went up to my eye. I then fell." Aghhhhh." I yelled. I felt strong, supper strong. I got up." Let's fight." I said." Wait, if anyone fights him it will be me." Rouge said trying the act cool. He got in fighting pose. I felt fast too. I throw a punch at him. He fell." Ugh." He got and punched me. I dogged it. I throw a uppercut." Ugh." He said. I then knocked him out.

Hey, I hope you liked it. If you did please vote. Yes this is a new book so it's different. Again I hope you liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter, bye😀😀

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