I know, I know. I'm a piece of shit for not posting this on Valentine's day, but at least I'm not posting it like a week later. So I drew a 2 things and HERE THEY ARE!
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If you can't read it, it says "The key to my heart"
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Also says "key to my heart" but in cursive. Tell me which one you guys prefer! I'd like to know! Now! Some poems I made today!
Roses are red Violets are blue I love you And so should you
Idk why in God's I made that poem, but the second one is for a special someone~ Here you go EREN_JAEGER-!
It's almost been 7 years since you've been by my side Whether to be happy or sad, Ican't decide But all I know is we have a strong kinship I can't ask for anything more than your friendship
I'm gonna explain that poem now, because I can! 1st line: So me and her have been friends for about 7 years (yay~♡) and she's always been there for me. 2nd: "Whether to be happy or sad" The original was "Whether to be happy for support or sad for leaving" but it was too long. Now I say "for leaving" because I am no longer by her side physical, but we still support each other! 3rd: "a strong kinship" this kinship is the strong relation due to similar interests, which we have a lot of. The original poem had the 4th line before this one, so I decided to use kinship because I need to rhyme. 4th: Exactly what it says. I can'task for more than her friendship.