Bad Days

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     July fourth. That is when it happened for me. Everything I knew came about then. My sister got bit, I had to kill her, and then I had to leave. 

     Sunny. That is how I could descried the day, it was hot and sunny. It was not very unusual for the summer in my area, but ever since the break out happened, nothing worked. No air conditioner, no heater, no clean water, nothing. My older sister, Ace, helped me out through the ordeal since both our parents died when it all began. My sister would joke about how brave they were fighting of the zombies before getting turned, but I was not a child any more. I was eighteen, now nineteen, so I knew that is not what happened, but I do believe that dad protected mom the best he could before surrendering to them. 

     Cold. That is how I feel now. Winter has now come to my home. No not home, territory and I do not welcome it. I was never someone for the cold, but I had to deal with it. I settled down in a wooded area next to the 101 freeway just past San Francisco. I remember when I was sixteen I wanted to go see the Golden Gate bridge, but of course the out break happened, and that was out of the question. I would not risk going into the city since there would be a hoard of zombies within the city. Supplies from there would be useful, but still to dangerous. 

     Warmth of the fire started to heat me up faster than a cup of hot chocolate. I thank my sister for teaching me how to build one since we went on some camping adventures when we were little, but my parents also wanted to teach us how to survive in the wild. Sometimes I wondered if they knew this was going to happen. They worked as biological scientist for the government as I remember it. Ace said they worked for the CDC, but I think that they work at a much higher level. Who knows? It died with them and it will stay there with them as they walk on forever. 

     Pain, that is all I could feel now. Pain in my legs. Pain in my chest. Pain in my vagina. Pain in my breasts. Before this I remember those men that hurt me, touching me where I did not want to be touched, but it did not matter to them. All they wanted to do was have fun with me, as there plaything. I was seventeen. They were all jocks. Sometimes I wish I could die, but I made a promise to Ace that I would live. 

     Grace. That is what I was going to name her. Those men may have rapped me, but I was not going to give up having some joy in my life after what they did. I would show them that I would not back away like most girls would, I would go after them. Now they got what they deserve. Somewhere they are walking around with their body parts falling off while I still live. I turned eighteen before she was born, her birth day was July 4th, 2017. She came and then left this world all while inside of me. Still born. That is how she came into this world. A world of death. Thankfully she does not have to live with the smell of death while I smell it very day as I walk past broken cities and shattered lives.

     Darkness. That is how it is now. All life has gone, at least human life. Everything that I knew is now gone forever. All I can do is walk on. Walk and walk until I cannot anymore. And when I cannot I will join my sister in a state of daze as I walk to find more people to infect with my deadly venom. 

     Sleep came over me, and I dreamed of nothing. That is what usually happened. I would not dream, but I would sleep. It seems that is the only way to escape from reality. Dreams always helped me escape, but none would come to comfert me. I was alone, that is reality.


     I walked aimlessly between jumbled cars on an abandoned high-way. Nothing but cars full of memories for miles. I could almost see what had happened here. 

     I imaged the people running for their lives, others stayed in the cars hoping they were safe, and some just drove through everything to get away, but then they all died. That is the reality of this world I live in. No one and no where is safe. This is why I move continuously through the destruction.

     Walking on the grassy shoulder, I saw the body of a man. He must have just died. I pulled a shotgun that I had slung over my shoulder and scanned my surroundings. I did not see anything out of the ordinary so I walked over to see if there was anything valuable I could take before he turns.

     I turned his body over to get to the backpack he was wearing and grabbed it. As I rummaged through it I heard a hmm come from the corpse. I aimed my shotgun at his head as his eyes opened up, but they looked normal. They were not the eyes of a Changed. He began to sit up, but then fell back down.

     "Food," he managed to say in a raspy voice. I looked through his bag after putting my gun down. He had no food, meaning he was about to die of starvation. I then looked through mine only to see that I had something, but it needed to be cook or else he could die from eating it. I had only one option. 

     I pulled my bag off and took the sweater I was wearing of as well. I lifted my shirt up and pulled out one of my breasts. I then pulled the guy's head up to my breast. 

     "Here, suckle it," I said as he began to drink my milk. 


     Before I ventured alone, I was with a group of people that were fighting to survive any way possible. And when I mean any way, I mean any way. The head of the group made all of the girls who were 14 and up get pregnant whether we wanted to or not. Most of the girls were willing since it was to protect the human race, but I did not want to raise a child in this age. They made me have sex any ways. It was more like rape, but there are no laws to follow anymore except your own. 

     After that, I ran and gave birth all on my own. The baby was still born, but I still had milk, and the pain of getting rid of the milk was painful. I went throw much of the pain killers I had.


     Once he was done, I placed him back on the soft grass. I wondered where he came from and who he was. So I stood by and watched over him until he was safe.

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