The damed

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Blood. The sweet nectar flowed down my chin as I drank the life blood of the child who had wandered to far. It had struggled sure but, it never could have beaten me not if it had had a chance to become an adult. I smiled at the thought this child had not had a snowball's chance in hell of escapeing me. I stood from the now lifeless corpse of what used to be known as... What had her name been she looked like a Cathryn. I suppose that was probably it. I shrugged and began to walk away from "Cathryn" at a moderate pace. The air was warm on this cool Summer night the liveliness of the night palpable the excitement of the previous day had been quite a sight as I stared from my dark sauntury the war had finally ended which war I was always unsure of it seemed as if the cibus was always doing something to kill themselves but the most recent had ended and now the celebration was in full effect fire works lit up the sky I flinched every time I heard one pop. People where parading around the street or getting drunk at the local pubs. Some waited for there oh so loved ones at the airport that was probably the first place I would visit the airport someone could always have met just that perfect man or woman and ran off with them onto any plane. I snorted as I thought of that the cibus and there "love" always got them no where just a year or two ago I had accedently spoke of my damnation to a girl i think her name was Bella. Yes Bella horrid name and a horrid sense of the common sort. She had practically thrown herself at me and I had drank her dry her blood had been the least savory type I had every had. I arrived at the airport a little before witching hour. As I walked in I noticed it was brightly light and almost spotless only ten people sat in waiting waiting for planes or "loved" ones I could not tell but what I could tell was that I was still hungry. I strode forward with an heir of confidence that beggard no argument of what I was doing. I sat next to a finely dressed woman. She was quite obviously well off financially though I doubted she had worked a single day in her life. Her skin was soft and supple looking she had a light brown shade of hair and hazel brown eyes. The purse she held with her was full and robust doublessly filled with makeup and, riches.
"Excuse me madam for intruding but I must say you look quite lovely" I said putting on the best fake grin I could make I knew it worked by the way the woman's chest moved more quickly with breathing.
"I thank you kind sir that is rather polite of you. May I ask your name."
"Why yes of course my name is Nicholas Veint the second. And what may I have the pleasure of calling you."
"Please call me Lucile Mr. Veint."
"Very well Lucile. If you don't mind me asking where do you happen to be heading."
"Oh me." She chuckled slightly at this "im not going anywhere no matter how much I would like to. I'm here to pick up my idiot step son who got drafted because he couldn't just let the damsal go off to war. Always has to be the knight in shining armor. its ridiculous that he still plays these silly games he should wise up and one day he will."
"Truly my lady you sound stressed mayhaps I can offer you a fine drink to numb your mind milady."
"Why that would be quite nice Mr. Veint."
I had her now I offered her a drink it wasn't heavily drugged but it was enough to get her to do whatever I say and I say that it's just about feeding time. I carried on with the meaning less conversation for about ten more minutes I then stretched my arms and said "Tis a little crowded In here is it not my lady. Come with so we can speak somewhere a little more private." I winked after I said that. Its the wink that always gets them
"Quite forward are you Mr. Veint"she giggled after that and held out her hand. I took it and led her out to a car I had parked there god knows when. I opened it I got in on the driver's side and she got in on the passenger side already unbuttoning her blouse as she entered. Once it was unbuttoned and she was in nothing but small cloths I began kissing her shoulder working my way up to her neck once there I bit. Softly at first but after about half a minute I began to feed my fangs sinking into her soft supple flesh her blood pouring into my mouth. She gasped but the gasp slowly turned to moans of pleasure as I fed on her. I drank for two and a half minutes her blood spilling onto my chin as we neared the end her moans now nothing more then whimpers. When I was finished and Lucile drained I tore my head backwards tearing out her jugular. I spat it out onto the driver's seat and draped her body over the dashboard. The police will sucpect murder they won't be wrong but they won't be right either I took the rather large purse that had previously belonged to the now late Lucile. I had never caught her last name but maybe the world was a better place now I thought as I wiped my chin with my sleeve. I snorted at the idea of it while I sifted through her purse.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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