5 Restless

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Bruce was fuming as he sped back towards Gotham

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Bruce was fuming as he sped back towards Gotham. The entire evening had turned out to be a complete waste of his time. He had not succeeded in retrieving data from Luthor's dataframe. That woman had beaten him to, stealing his drive. Who was she anyway? Why did she get involved? He needed to do some research. And what did that reporter from The Daily Planet want from him? His take on Batman had left a bitter taste in his mouth, only adding to his anger as he thought about their conversation, which also brought his thoughts to his sister. What had gotten into her, overreacting like that. He barely focused on the road as he passed his parents' old manor.

When Bruce reached his destination, he came to an abrupt halt, his tires screeching. He rushed inside his house, and headed straight for the elevator leading to the batcave. Alfred was already down there. "Back so soon?" he asked, curiously looking up from a computer.

Bruce snorted. "Don't ask," he replied as he sat down next to his butler. "And Miss Wayne?" Alfred continued, however the look on Bruce's face said it all. "Never mind." He put his hands up in front of his chest defensively. "Do you have the drive?"

"I don't" Bruce answered through gritted teeth. "Someone took it."

"Who?" Alfred asked, his brows furrowed.

"Some woman. She ran off with it."

"Ran off with it? How did she get to it first?"

"I got held up."

"Who was she?"

"I don't know."  Bruce accessed his computer and began to type. "But I will find out."


When (YN) came to in the middle of the night, Clark was nowhere to be found. She had rolled over, reaching for him, but had grasped at nothing. His side of the bed was cold to the touch. Wondering why it was empty, she sat up and rubbed her eyes before glancing at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was a little past three in the morning. (YN) sighed, feeling sympathy for Clark, who she assumed, had left for another emergency and was out saving people somewhere around the world.

A sudden bright flash of lightning illuminated the room, and a shimmer on the bedroom floor caught her attention. It was Clark's superhero suit. (YN) frowned. This made no sense. Where was he? Thunder boomed in the distance as she climbed out of bed. She grabbed Clark's robe from the door rack, and throwing it on, walked down the hallway. When she entered the living room, she found Clark fast asleep on the couch. He was wearing headphones. (YN) could hear the music playing from where she stood. She made her way towards him and sat down on the coffee table, taking in his relaxed expression. Weird, she thought. How was he able to sleep with the volume turned up like this, considering how sensitive his ears were because of his ability to superhumanly hear?

(YN) reached up and pulled the headphones from his head. She turned them off and set them aside. The sudden silence seemed to pull him from his sleep. Clark jerked and blinked a couple of times before realizing that (YN) was sitting by his side. He said her name groggily. "What time is it?"

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