Renji and Ichigo (boyXboy fanfic)

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"hey ICHIGO!" he turned around to look at the caller of his name. it was renji! he ran up to him with a big smile on both of their faces 

"finally got off then huh?" ichigo asked, renji simply just nodded still with the smiled plastered on his face

"ohh yeah did you get that place you mentioned?" ichigo looked surprised, he thought that renji hadn't been listening at the time, ichigo nodded in shock 

"good lets go them" renji smiled.this was what ichigo liked about renji. ichigo smiled and walked towards his place with renji coming up behind him and sweeping up his hand in his and kissing him on the cheek.

"whaa, what are you doing out in board day light? you know what everyone in the soul society would do if they found out" ichigo and renji knew fine well that if they were caught they would be in big trouble because they hadn't told any one and they wanted it to stay that way.

after about an houre of walking thye got to Ichigo's place. they walked up to the door, Renji still holding Ichigo's hand and refusing to let go.

"hey Renji when will you tell me why you wont let go dispite of everything that we said?" Ichigo asked as he swung the door open and steped inside

"now" renji exclamed as he jumped on ichigo one they were both inside and had the door shut behind them. Ichigo let out a shout as the attack that Renji had laid on to him came as a compleat and utter suprise 

"RENJI!" Ichigo shouted furios turning to look up at Renji from where he was stuck under him, Renji just giggled and leand down and kissed him on the lips, Renji got off Ichigo and walked to the bare front room of Ichigo's new place. renji turned around and looked at Ichigo who was now up on his feet and dusting his self off and walked over to Renji and sat down near him 

"so i was thinking about us hiding our relationship" renji looked at Ichigo and then sat down "and i kant help feeling that if i dont make it known somwone will come and try and take you off me know..." he looked at Ichigo who had his head tiltted at the side a bit, Renji couldnt help but think he was the cutest thing he had ever seen "people think your not with anyone right?"

"Yeah that is what we said we would let people think" Ichigo explained 

"i know but i dont what that anymore, i dont want girls coming up to you and rubbing their things all over your arms trying to get you to notice them" Renji exclamed standing up and wlki ng to the window in time to see a group of Ichigo's firends walk by, some of them waved ta him and he gave a smile back and tryed to seam a bit less anoyed. Icigo burst in to histerics of laughfter, Renji spun round to look at Ichigo

"what!?...what is so funny?!" Ichigo stoped laughfing and walked up to Renji and slid his hand up Renji's cheek and to his ear and stroked Renji's cheek with his thumb while looking him in the eyes !Renji you idiot i dont care for girls now that i have you" Ichigo and Renji smiled together and put their forheads on to each others and the after a short while in that pose they lent in close and kissed in the most passonet way they could. Ichigo and Renji were not a very intimate coupple, they just liked to cuddle up and kiss and hold hands, anthough they did do intamet things some times and now was a perfer time for it they couldnt help the feeling and befor they knew it the were striping off each others clothes and working their way to the bedroom where they spent the rest of the night mingling with eachother and just loving eachother to the most they could, they were in love and they didnt care if anyone know and they never would because they were together.

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