My Everyday Misunderstood Life

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I woke up to the worst sound of my dumb alarm clock. Some boring old classical music was playing and was progressively getting louder. I shoved my pillow over my head and moaned. I always hated Mondays, but then again who doesn't? I reached my arm out and banged my alarm clock, the music didn't stop. Angrily and annoyed I continued to bang it and watched tiredly as I knocked it over and it fell on the floor. I didn't care, I was just glad the music stopped.

I wouldn't mind waking up to some pop music or even country music. But my aunt and uncle won't allow it. That kind of music is for "Thugs." And so I guess that means we're so much better than them. Well....I don't care! I want to listen to the kind of music I like! But if only I could say that to my aunt and uncle. They would probably slap me.

Ok you see I was adopted by my aunt and uncle when I was just nine. My mom and dad had been in an accident So now I live here with my two older cousins Limley and Timnes.

Limley is eighteen she'll be graduating in a few weeks. She'll then be going off to collage in a few months. Its some old proper school for the high class. Its the same one that Timnes goes to. And everyone is so set on me going there. But I don't want to. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. After high school my biggest priority is leaving. Maybe I'll go on some road trip or something. But I know that will never be allowed. They'll find some way to make sure I go to that dumb collage just like everyone else did. Because well no cares about my opinion even though it is my life.

But as happy as I am to see Limley leave, things are going to be difficult. I'll be the only kid in the house which means more attention. They'll be watching me closer. They'll be watching my every move. They'll determine how graceful I walk, eat and talk. And all that will determine one thing. LLAG or Lovington Lace's Academy for Girls. Its a private boarding school for rich prissy girls. And I've been threatened by my aunt to be sent there every year. So I have to keep my act together if I don't want to go there. But I really just have to be graceful and poised like they want me to be for the next few weeks. Because LLAG actually starts over the summer! How awful is that! And it leads out in the end of May. May! Theres barely a month of vacation! I've been forced to visit there with my aunt before. Its all fancy with its skirt uniforms and etiquette classes. You have to wear your hair in a sock bun, have to eat organic foods, have to wear heels or flats, sneakers and boots aren't allowed. You see? I told you it was bad. Limley went there and everyone wants me to go. I've begged and begged for them to let me stay.....But I don't think the odds are very good on my half this year.

I shook the thought out and I slowly drug my feet over the side of my way too big bed. I only ever slept on one side. I reached out stretching my arms out and cracking my back. I took a big yawn and reached for my glasses. After putting them on I stepped down and my knees nearly buckled beneath me. Yesterday was Sunday which meant ballet, fencing, and worst of all synchronized swimming lessons. Ugh. I could barely move my body.

After dragging myself up I walked into my oversize bathroom and got a shower. I slipped on my robe and put in my contacts. My aunt hated when I wore my glasses. It was like a disgrace since they all have perfect vision. I then put on a little makeup and got dressed in my ugly dead purple and puke yellow plaid skirt, and my purple (tucked in) top with my schools ugly logo in yellow in the corner. I then headed out into the hall and saw Joey.

He's our butler I only call him Joey when no ones around. But I'm supposed to refer to him as Sir. Joesph. And he's supposed to refer to me as Miss. Lemington which I've told him a thousand times to just call me Rose but he says it's against his 'rules'.

"Hey Joey." I said.

"Good morning Miss. Lemington."

"Rose." I corrected. He just nodded smiling a little bit.

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