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*ding* "Can all the passengers flying to Indonesia flight 8596 Fly Emirates all check-inn at Terminal A internationals,station C because your flight has been delayed an hour , all passengers to Indonesia flight 8596 Fly Emirates Check-Inn at station C, your flight has been delayed by one hour...-"
It is 9:46 I walk in slowly to the terminal listening to the flight delays announcements due to the storms outside the building, Sotho is walking beside me and I can see all the emotions in his face we've had a quiet amazing bond-FATHER TO DAUGHTER TYPE. How I trust this person I don't know.

"Listen." He stops me
"I want to tell you something before we get to your family"
"Yes! Please tell me we going home."
"No,it's not that it's just-"
"Sotho you starting to scare me, what's going on?"
"Well you won't-"
"There you guys are I was starting to worry the plane got de-"
"I heard, can I please get some time to talk to Sotho?"
"Yeah sure, lets just go check in then you guys can spend time together for the last time."

We make our way to the terminal but before we enter the gates my dad points at some seats and says we can sit there because sadly Sotho isn't allowed in the terminal. We go to the restaurant instead and we order coffees.
"So what did you want to say again?"
"Well, Lwazi look you know I love you right I enjoyed playing or rather being dad in your life your a very intelligent and bright child. Don't listen to anyone who tells you something else. You are a flower and you must grow flourish and nourish the second flower in your household. G... you reminded me of a special woman in my life who was my soulmate man she still is only if-... never mind but girl just know I love you my love you are my one and only daughter no one will replace you and I will really miss you tons and tons and loads and loads." Then he kisses me on the forehead. He takes something out of his pocket and it is a black very long rectangular box. "Dear here-" the waiter pauses him and hands our coffees "Your coffee ma'am. Sir for you." We both thank him in unison. "Jinx you owe me a soda" I tease, he laughs then sips his coffee we drink our coffee in silence until the last drop.

"Sotho you were taking out a black box?"
"Oh, yes here!" He hands me the box. I open it eager to find out what's behind me and I'm sure a couple of other people do as well judging by their stares.
"Oh Sotho a watch with rimestones? I can't accept this."
"Let's just say it's a gift from the news I'm about to tell you..."
"Good or bad?"
I look behind the watch and on it is written Papa S Loves his child- I'm emotional and confused by what is going to be said-just then I'm interrupted by the intercom.
*ding* "Flight 8596 to the check in Counter please."
Out of nowhere my dad shows up.
"Are you guys done?"
"Almost..." I reply
"Make it quick we need to go,2 seconds."
" Cool! Sotho what were you going to say?"
"You not coming back home." He's says
"Yes you and your family are going to live in Indonesia."
My dad pulls me "Come we have to go."

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